
Thursday, October 31, 2013

A SuperKid Halloween

She likes to plan ahead, way ahead. As she took off last year's mermaid costume she said, "Next year Landon can be Superman and I will be Super-Addi. Mom you can make me a cape with an A on it."

Checking for candy!

We joined Addi and her class at their class party.

 I caught Addi telling secrets to the boys!

Sharing a treat.

We trick-or-treated with our special friend, Jordyn-the-Explorer.

Landon loved trick-or-treating. He was so concerned that when a person went to place a piece of candy into his pumpkin bucket that they were going to take candy out. He would say, "No. Me do it." He would pull his bucket away and fumble with his mittened hand to grab the candy and put it in his bucket himself. He didn't want to stop. "Another house. More door?" 

It was so windy all day. He was so concerned he was going to blow away, "Me blow away?", he kept asking. After he got his costume on and went outside, I told him that he won't blow away he will fly because he has his cape on. So he was saying all day, "Me no blow away. Me fly!", as he watched his cape flutter in the wind.

Addi has more faith in my sewing abilities than I do. She kept saying, "I know you can do it, Mama." She was thrilled even when I sewed her A emblem so crooked. She said, "I like it crooked." I just love her! Her only requests were that it was pink, and extra long, "dragging on the ground like a wedding veil."

Their Super-Dog!

 Sorting through their loot at the end of the night. Addi organized her candy into piles and then counted it. I used to do the exact same thing.

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