
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Addi asked to go to the "big, pretty church" on Christmas Eve. Less than two blocks from our house is an amazing catholic cathedral. It was literally standing room only on Christmas Eve, but we were able to hear the choir from our corner in the way back. Addi spent a lot of time looking up at the murals and beautiful stained glass windows.

After church we came home and I made steak and crab legs. It was so delicious. Addi had a grilled cheese sandwich and Cheetos, because crab legs are, "too pokey." We also had sparkling juice in "fancy" glasses. I think drinking juice out of the fancy glasses was Addi's favorite part of the whole night.

On Christmas Eve night Dylan and Addi were wrapping the present Addi picked out for me. I had to wait in the bedroom because apparently I am a "peaker"! Well, I overheard Dylan reminding Addi not to tell me what my gift was and to keep it a secret! Addi ran into the bedroom and whispered, "Mamma, you got a purple coat!" It was so adorable. I said, "Aww, really!" She said, "Yah, but it's a secret so don't tell daddy!" She said, "You have to wait until Christmas Steve is over though." All day she was saying, Christmas Steve (instead of Eve!)---adorable!

Santa and our wonderful family spoiled Addi! It was so wonderful watching her open her gifts. She spends so much time with each one and is so grateful and appreciative. She said, "Oh, thank you Santa!" She opened very carefully her gifts from Aunt Sara and Ellie. She would say, "Oh, that is so nice!" When she opened her gift from Great-Aunt Moni and Great-Uncle Mike, she got so excited when she saw the American Girl box. When Addi was a year old they gave her Bitty Baby and for her birthday and for Christmas they send her Bitty Baby accessories! She has come to recognize the box. She opened new Christmas jammies for Bitty and she held them up and said, "Bitty will just love it." She was thrilled with her dress up box full of Princess dresses. She changed about every 10 minutes all day Christmas! Papa gave her a climbing helmet! She said, "Oh, good. Now I won't bang my head on the tree when I climb it!"

We were sitting in our pajamas around noon on Christmas morning. We had had a wonderful morning watching Addi open her presents. After breakfast we looked at each other and said, "Now what!" We were missing our families, so we decided to drive home! We spent Christmas night with my dad and my granny. I made a ham dinner and apple pie! The next day we were hugging Spencer! After a year in Australia he is home! We spent some time with Dylan's mom and dad before driving back to Helena. We were able to see some of their pictures from Australia and New Zealand. WOW. What an amazing part of the world. We also were able to spend some time with my mom, Mark and the kids. Mom had real food on Christmas. The first time in months. She said she could actually taste it and it tasted good! We picked up Jessica and brought her home with us. Addi's school is closed this week and she saved us by coming over and watching Addi during the day this week.

We are headed back to Missoula New Year's weekend. Kendall and Josh are also going to be visiting from Alabama. It has been almost a year since we have seen them. We are going to celebrate Christmas with the Powell clan on New Year's Eve. It will be great having us all together again! I am looking forward to it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Addi's Christmas Program

Addi had her first Christmas Program on Thursday! I was looking forward to it all week. She has been practicing her Christmas songs for weeks! She also was looking forward to her program. When I woke her up Thursday morning she sprang up and said, "It's Christmas Program day!!" She got all dressed up in her Santa Clause Dress and was so excited to go to school.

The proud parents gathered in one of the larger classrooms, sat on the miniature kid chairs, got their cameras ready, and anxiously waited for their little ones to come out. Dylan, Ms. Jessi and I have talked how we would be really surprised if Addi actually stood in front of everyone and performed. But we were hopeful! As soon as the kids lined up outside of the classroom, she saw all the people and huddled next to Ms. Jessi and starting crying. She placed her little feet on the red line and stood next to her friends. Dylan and I were sitting directly in front of her, about 5 feet from her, but she wouldn't come to us. She stood, head down, terrified frozen. She started to lip the words a couple times, then remembered she was scared and started crying again. She gets so shy in front of large groups of people (I wonder where she gets it!!). She didn't stop crying until well into their little after party. I am impressed she stood up there and didn't run to us.

It was so sweet, her little friend Riley, is always concerned about her. She said, "It's ok Addison. Your mamma is here!"

Addison's "best friend, Kate" is the little girl near her in the silver and I think she has a little crush on the little boy, Sean! All the kids in her class are so sweet. And you all know how I feel about Ms. Jessi. She is so wonderful. She put together little gifts for each of the kids. She also had the kids make two ornaments as gifts to give to their parents. They were all wrapped up in a box with a handmade card! Addi made a little reindeer ornament and a silver, sparkling ball with their hand print and name on it. So sweet. They made cookies and brownies and after the program we had a little party and ate the treats they made!

She came home and sang her songs all night long. She knows every word and motion. No one will ever know!!

She sings, "Away in a crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus lay down his sheep head!" Instead of sweet head!! Oh, I love it!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Question of the Day

Everyday at school Ms. Jessi asks the kids, "The question of the day." And she writes down their answers. Today's question was "What does your mom always say?" Addi's answer, "I love you."

I love the question of the day!! It gives me a little peak into Addison's wonderful, little mind! I am so happy that when she goes to do her own thing all day long she remembers that her mamma loves her!

Past questions of the day:
"Where does Santa live?" Addi - "I don't know!"
"What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?" Addi - "Pizza and chicken"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye...Again

You know when you feel so sad all that is left is a numb sensation and you really aren't sure if your lack of feeling is actually feeling or an empty shell of existence. Mentally and physically you are unable to go through the pain again, so instead you go numb ...well, I hope when you read this you have no idea what I am talking about, that means you have never had to feel such emptiness and sadness...and for that, be grateful...

My family is forced to say goodbye to our Uncle Randy. When you can't possibly comprehend a state of mind so sad and lost, how do you begin to wrap your mind around understanding why he is gone and even after that, how do you find peace...

My Uncle Randy, second from left, my mom's younger brother.

Uncle Rick, Uncle Randy, Uncle Ron, Mom, Aunt Moni & Grandpa Dave (missing from picture, Aunt Becky & Uncle Roger)
pic by Madeline Smith

Uncle Randy, I hope and pray you have found the peace you were so desperately in need of. I am thankful we were able to see and spend time with you this past summer. I feel happy you were able to meet Addison.

I pray peace and healing to your family now and throughout the very difficult coming weeks and months.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

One of my favorite days all year is the day we get our Christmas Tree!! Today was that day and the day couldn't have been more beautiful. The sky was perfectly blue, the sun was out and the snow, literally, sparkled. Addi kept saying, "Wow, look at all the snow sparkles." We spend the day sledding, hiking and tree hunting. It was a blast for Dylan and I to try and stay on Addi's little infant sled while sledding down big, snowy hills!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Dylan was helping Addi take off her snow boots after playing outside together, he picked her up by her coat and set her on the floor. Addi faked like she was upset or hurt by his gesture and said with her big pouty lip, "Look, at my'''''" Ok, maybe you had to be there, but I will remember how funny it was!!!

Most people say "yesterday". Addi says, "yester-year" or "yester-night!"

The other day Addi asked me, "How was your day?" I said, "well, thank you for asking, but it was a little bit boring today." She said, with her I understand look while nodding her head, "Yah, that happens."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Addi's Fourth Week at School

I am thrilled to report that Addison is doing really well in school. Mornings are still rough. She still cries and clings when we drop her off, but she gets over it within minutes and Ms. Jessi says she does great during the day. She is making lots of friends. She says, "My best friend is Kate." She loves project time and every day she brings home new art work for us to proudly display.

She comes home and sings songs she has learned. She plays school until she goes to bed! She imitates Ms. Jessi. It is so cute. She really likes her.

On the 16th the kids are putting on a Christmas Program! I am so excited! She comes home and practices her Christmas songs!

Miss Jessi texted me these photos of Addi throughout her day!

Eating lunch. (Addi's BFF is the girl standing behind her!)
Working on her project.
Being a turkey.

Below is a video of Addi singing a song she learned at school! Of course Addi put an Addi-spin on the song!!