
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Boulder Hot Springs

On Addi's 3rd Birthday we surprised her with a trip to Boulder Hot Springs and Bed & Breakfast. Her most favorite thing to do is to swim. Staying the night in hotels is up there on her list also! We had a wonderful time. The hot springs grounds is gorgeous. It is tucked in the beautiful Boulder Valley. The building is ancient and they are in the process of remodeling it. The outside architecture is amazing and has so much detail. We called it Addi's Castle! The outdoor pool is a comfortable swimming temperature of 100 degrees and inside is a little pool that is 109 degrees and a super hot steam room. Too hot for Addi, but I enjoyed it.

We had dinner in Boulder at the Elkhorn Cafe. Dylan met some nice old timers. They talked elk hunting and one of the guys tried selling us a house!

Breakfast was delicious. The women chef cooked pancakes, sausage and eggs and served yummy fruit, yogurt and granola bowl. They set up special times for each guest so you get very special treatment. They serve organic and local food, which makes it even more yummy.

Visit this link for bed & breakfast and hot springs reservations.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Back in the day, this place was the Diamond S and once Danny (Pigman) could drive, the rents used to let us kids go there swimming in the evening when we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Boulder. The building was white back then with a red roof, but same pool location. We used to have sooooo much fun doing camel fights in the pool. If I remember correctly, the rents (Mom, Dad, Uncle Bob and Aunt Dorothy) used to there for dancing when we were younger and left Grandma and Grandpa to babysit us all. Aunt Moni
