
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Will Not Fear

The first thing that I think of when something this horrible happens is: what kind of a world did I bring my children in to? How could I give birth to them knowing evil is so close? I mean what kind of a world bombs innocent people, hurting and killing babies. So much evil, terror and sadness, how could I subject them to so many scary things?

The tears and sadness turn to anger and I temporarily start hating and fearing. After these emotions make their natural progression I re-ground myself, because when I start hating and fearing the evil people win. After the dead are buried and the injured are healed, the emotional wounds left on all of us by those terrorists - the hate and the fear - weakens us and those emotional wounds are kept open. Love is stronger than hate and I will not have fear. I will not teach hate to my children and my children will not be afraid to live their lives.

This photo has been swirling around social media. I haven't seen it before and I liked it.

I believe wholeheartedly that there are more good people than evil. Evil will not win, not now and not ever. Because when horrible things happen heroes are made. People are unselfishly saved by brave people whom run towards the danger only seconds after it happens. These heroes and helpers give me hope and that is what I cling to. Through the tears, pain and smoke I can only hope my children will see these heroes and feel, along with their grief -- pride.

It breaks my heart to admit this, but this is the world we now live in. It will happen again. I pray every day no more innocent Americans die from cowardly terror, whether domestic or not. I pray my babies remain safe as the explore their world. This world is full of beauty, good and love and I want them to feel that goodness.

One more last note: I am saddened that it takes an act of terror to reunite our country. Our country seems so disconnected, so un-united right now. When evil comes to our country we are reminded that through our differences we are one. I only wish it didn't take an act of terror, death and pain on our own people to remember that. We need to stand TOGETHER against hatred on our country, that is the only way we can survive. We need each other. We need to be heroes for each other every day.

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