
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Photo A Day

Through my favorite iPhone photography app, Instagram, I participated in a photo a day challenge. Each day a new word or phrase. The challenge --- take a photo! It was a lot of fun coming up with a creative and interesting photo each day.

I am hooked now and will do it again in May!

  Day 1: Your Reflection

Day 2: Color

Day 3: Mail

Day 4: Someone who makes you happy

Day 5: Tiny (tiny cornbread muffin)

  Day 6: Lunch

Day 7: Shadow 

Day 8: Inside your wallet

Day 9: Younger you (19 years, living in Hawaii)

Day 10: Cold
(A cold milkshake makes a tired, crabby girl feel better)

      Day 11: where you ate breakfast

Day 12: Stairs
(my stairs in the home I grew up in)

Day 13: Something Found

Day 14: How you feel today (sleepy)

Day 15: Sunset (or in my case the lack of one!)

     Day 16: Flower

Day 17: Something you don't like (litter)

   Day 18 : Hair (my out of control mess)

Day 19: Orange

Day 20: Something you drew (Hopscotch)

Day 21: Bottle

Day 22: Last thing you bought 
(shelving supplies for Addi's room)

Day 23: Veggie

Day 24: What you are grateful for

Day 25: Looking down
(Favorite pic of the challenge)

   Day 26: Black & White

Day 27: Somewhere you went
(Great Falls to pick up our new furniture)

Day 28: 1 pm

Day 29: Circle
(the most important circle in my life)

Day 30: Something that makes you sad
(Today. Would have been Danny's 23rd birthday)

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! I am trying to do one of these this month. You have inspired me!
