
Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh, Addison

I was getting dressed for work today and Addison says to me, "What are you doing?" I said, "Getting dressed." Addi - "Why" Me - "I have to go to work." Addi - "You can't leave me here all by myself." Me - "I know, you are going to go to Grandma Deaette's." Addi - "Well, you have to drive me there." Me - "Yes, honey I know that"

This girl just cracks me up daily! What pure joy she brings to me.


  1. I am not normally a sappy girl, but more often than not I find myself near tears after reading your blogs. ??? I think it is more of me being a jealous girl! I long for an Addi of my own!!! Not to mention your poetic nature...
