
Friday, December 4, 2009

Addison's Favorites -- Two years, one month old

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favorite things..."

As Addison grows her favorite things change!

Her favorite.....

Book: Her Dora books that Papa got for her.

Toy: Her dolls and all their accessories.

Breakfast: Cereal or oatmeal with cottage cheese and yogurt and a glass of orange juice.

Way to be silly: Acting like she is going to give a spontaneous, sweet kiss and then she gives a slimy, wet puppy-dog kiss. She literally licks our faces and then bursts into laughter. I blame Aunt Sara for this not-so-sanitary trick!

Way to be bossy: She drags people where she wants them to go. She struggles with saying "please" and can sound super bossy when she talks.

Thing to wear: Her "party dress". Any fancy dress and fancy shoes. She loves picking out her own clothes now. She isn't always coordinated, but she says she always looks, "Toot." (cute)

Word: "What?" If you look at her too long, she says very sassy-like, "What?".

Color: Purple. Everything has to be purple or she has to choose the purple one.

Person to call: Papa. Whenever she hears a phone ringing she screams "Papa" and gets so excited. She asks to call Papa a least 30 times a day! (this hasn't changed)

Snack: Fruit Snacks and Diego yogurts.

Animal: Monkey. She hangs on everything, while making her monkey noise! We play on the "monkey tree" on one of our hikes. She hangs on door knobs, tables, the handle in the car....everything and pretends she is a monkey.

Movie: Her Dora movie. I recently hid it. I couldn't take it anymore!

Game: She has started pretending. She loves serving us coffee and pop in anything resembling a cup. She fills the cup from a pretend spout in the wall. If she serves us milk she always brings pretend cookies.

Song: She makes up her own songs. We rarely know what she is singing, but she sings a lot!

Thing to do: Playing in her cardboard house that she got from her birthday or in a fort Emily or daddy builds for her.

Place to play: Outside. The yard, the park, the hiking trail. Rain or shine, she wants to be outside. (this hasn't changed)

Way to help mommy: She dusts and cleans the windows. She really just likes spraying the cleaning solutions.

Way to help daddy: She loves going outside while daddy cleans up after the dogs. However, she doesn't exactly help him, but she keeps him company.

Time of the day: Evening. She gets a burst of energy and gets super silly. She runs all over the house and loves to "rough".

Way to exercise: Dancing and doing silly arm lifts.

Chore: She helps set the table and she helps take care of baby "Wiper".

Place to "go-go": To the "museum" to play with Kaidyn on Thursday mornings. She loves painting and using Play-Doh in the craft room and making herself a kitty with the face paint.

New life skill: She almost always folds her hands to "pray" before we eat. She will say "pray" and help us fold our hands if we forget. The other day she prayed before our hot chocolate. So sweet.

Thing to do like Daddy: Use the elk call and make super loud, obnoxious elk calls.

Thing to do like Mommy: Wearing a bra. I have to tie one of my bras on her! She wears it over her clothes.

Big person thing to do: Using the computer. She loves playing Dora games, watching Diego, and using the paint program.

Way to be sweet: She gives back rubs and gently caresses our faces. She gives really tender kisses on our cheeks.

Accessory: Her hats and scarfs.

Thing to try and get away with: She is two. She tries to get away with anything and everything she knows she isn't supposed to do!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep she gets more amazing by the day. An attribute to her parents. It is IMPOSSIBLE to not fall in love with her. She will so appreciate reading these blogs some day. You should print them out in case some day they discontinue this site.
