
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Addison's Favorites - 4 years

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favorite things..."

As Addison grows her favorite things change! 

I have been doing this post since Addi was very little. 
Links to past posts:
20 months
2 yrs 1 month
3 yrs 3 months

Her favorite.....

Book: New library books. She loves choosing new books to borrow each week. We are also reading "Charlotte's Web", one chapter a night. She is really enjoying her first chapter book!

Toy: Her baby dolls and all their accessories. This hasn't changed since she was little!

Breakfast: Cheese sandwich. I know she's goofy!

Way to be silly: She loves to dance and do summer-saults in the living room when the music is on.

Way to be bossy: She is really good at this these days and needs constant reminders to 'talk nice' and 'be respectful'.

Thing to wear: Disney Princess dress-up gowns.

Word/phrase: "Are you serious?" and "You've got to be kidding me." The day after her birthday she said 'granola bar'. It is a big deal for Dylan and I. It was the last word she said like a little kid. She would say, "Noga Bar." Not anymore... *sad face* She uses the word 'like' like a teenager would. "Like, you don't even understand what I am

Color: Purple and pink.

Person to call: She doesn't enjoy talking on the phone these days. She loves to Skype with Auntie Sara, Ellie and Fallon and Papa!

Snack: Go-gurt.

Animal: She loves talking about and spotting elk, bears and deer with Daddy. She loves horses and really wants to go riding. 
She loves books about animals and she loves reciting fun new facts that she learns about animals. She knows that bats and owls are nocturnal and she knows that emus and penguins cannot fly! She knows insects have 6 legs and spiders have 8! Mamma is very proud! 

Movie: She still loves Dora and Diego. She also loves any Disney Princess movie.

Game:  She enjoys playing video games on the computer at

Song:  She loves to sing. She knows the words to most of the popular songs on the radio and she loves 
to sing the songs on her Disney movies, Tangled and The Little Mermaid.

Thing to do: Bake. We bake often. She especially enjoys cracking the eggs. She enjoys craft projects. Cutting and gluing paper keeps her little hands busy for hours!

Place to play: At the park. She loves the park. She loves the climbing wall and the swings. She recently
crossed the monkey bars all by herself for the first time.

Thing to throw a fit over: If whatever she is doing isn't done perfectly the first time she completely looses it. For 
example: when fixing her hair or writing a letter, if it isn't perfect the first time...look out!

Way to help mommy: She is very helpful with Landon, finding his binkie, picking out his clothes. 
She also feeds the dogs for me!

Way to help daddy: She loves following Daddy around helping him with anything he might be doing. 
Daddy's days off are Addi's most favorite days.

Time of the day: Morning. She loves her morning routine. Getting dressed is her most favorite part of the day!

Way to exercise: She is totally into yoga! She will put the yoga DVD in and do yoga by herself in her room!

Chore: Cleaning her room. Only when it is her idea! She is very proud of herself when she cleans her room.
She makes her bed, picks up toys and brings out her dirty laundry.

Place to go: Missoula. She loves visiting Missoula. And asks to move back there.

New life skill: She really enjoys writing. She has gotten very good at most letters. She writes, Addison, Mom, Dad & Papa perfectly. 
She loves to fix her own hair. Usually she is sporting an un-brushed pony tail and a head band!

Thing to do like Daddy: Talk about hunting. She won't actually go with him but she loves to talk about it with Daddy and help him get ready to go!

Thing to do like Mommy: Pretend to be pregnant and breast feed. She imitates everything that has to do with having a new baby. She will someday make a wonderful  mommy!

Big person thing to do: She is very self-sufficient. She picks out her outfits and dresses herself and she washes her hair in the tub. We are working on brushing her own hair. She does not like brushing her own teeth and will throw a huge fit about it! She wants us to brush her teeth for her!

Way to be sweet: She is still very affectionate and gives lots of hugs and kisses. She often says things like, "You are the best mommy in the whole world!"

Accessory: Anything that sparkles - shoes, necklace, lip gloss! She has very girlie style. She is very particular about what she wears.

Thing to try and get away with: Talking back and being rude and sassy. This has been a constant battle for the past several months. She is still familiar with "time out" for these naughty behaviors.

and her Most Favorite Thing of All: Her little brother, Landon.  She is over-the-moon in love with him! 

1 comment:

  1. I am going to start doing this for Tanner. Thank you for the idea!
