There are just some moments in your life that you just know you will remember always. This weekend was one of those moments. I will never forget these words, "Just let the boys go back to camp and me and you will go find the grizzlies." --Addison. I am proud of her every day, but on this day I wanted to make time stand still, fold her up and put her in my pocket and never let her out of my sight!
We headed to one of our favorite spots this past weekend (I say that a lot about everywhere in Montana!) to celebrate all that is Daddy --- Glacier National Park! Our first stop was along side the road in between East Glacier and West Glacier at this massive water fall.
On the way to West Glacier we spotted a large herd of mountain goats on the goat salt lick cliffs. We hiked up to get a better view. It was amazing watching a new baby goat jump around and follow her mama all over the steep rocks.
We pulled into Avalanche campground on Saturday afternoon after we stopped to feed a very hungry Daddy in West Glacier. We were a little bummed to learn the Going-To-The-Sun road opens THIS weekend and not last weekend while we were there! Avalanche campground was the very furthest we could go. It was sunny and the water falls were gushing off the steep cliffs above our camp. Daddy and Addison spotted a few more mountain goats, white dots against a dark, wet background, settling down to sleep. I said that must be where the goats go to human watch! Addison didn't get it! After we unpacked and were all settled we hiked up the cedar forest trail and up to Avalanche Lake. Well that was the plan anyway! With Landon securely fastened in his Ergo pack and Addison enthusiastically bouncing her way along the raging creek, holding tightly to Daddy's hand, we made our way through the rocky trail. On one side a blue-white mess of glacial water gushing down to Lake McDonald. On the other side a dark forest. Other hikers were coming up behind us and other's were coming back down the trail. Were grizzlies on my mind? OF COURSE, that is why we were there right, to see a grizzly bear! My bear spray was on my hip and I was ready with my camera around my neck. Then down the trail came the self-proclaimed 'ranger Rick'. He looked at Dylan and sternly said, " I don't think it is a good time to head up the trail. About a half a mile up two grizzlies are walking down the trail and criss-crossing back and forth." WHAT? Awesome I thought as my face light up and I took a step up the trail. Dylan did not have the same thought. His thoughts were more along the line of what's on the menu tonight for the bears, us? I know he was thinking of the poor man who just last year was horribly killed and buried by a grizzly in Glacier. Okay. So in hindsight he was right. I was happy that safety official Dylan was there to keep me thinking straight. But I was overjoyed at the thought of hiking with a grizzly. I know, I'm crazy. Dylan tells me that daily. He thinks I think I am one of those crazy animal people, who thinks the bears know that I am 'nice'. He thinks I am a person who thinks I am 'soul mates' with the animals. That is so not true. I am not that crazy! Dylan always points out that those crazies are usually eaten by their soul mates! After a little bickering and me really disappointed that I just missed the bears again, Addison said, "Just let the boys go back to camp and me and you will go find the grizzlies." She really tried her hardest to talking Daddy into letting us keep hiking! Another day my sweet girl, another day!
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Playing in the hollow tree! |
So down the trail we went. And the whole way down we walked behind several people who did see the grizzlies and they were so happy and excited, not scared. I got to listen them tell and retell their experience. Oh, I was boiling with annoyance and a lot of jealousy!
We had dinner in camp and s'mores around the campfire. Just as we were getting settled into bed the rain started and the rain really did not stop until we got back home!
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Looking at the goats. |
:In my grizzly rage I forgot to mention that this was Landon's official first ever camping trip! The really cool thing about it is Addison first official camping trip was also in Glacier when she was 8 months old! He did so great. He slept really well and seemed to enjoy it all, even when we soaked him to his bones, but that story is coming up soon!:
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First night camping. He didn't wake up once! |
His 6th tooth popped through on this trip!
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Dinner! |
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Breakfast! |
Such great pics, Brandi! Looks like such a fun, memory filled weekend.