
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on Little Man - 28 weeks

We had our weekly Great Falls doctor appointment last Friday. We did not see any changes in the amount of fluid in his abdomen, but his heart seems to be doing a little better! The doctor looked at cerebral vessels, umbilical vessels and other seemingly random parts of baby. All seem normal. There is no evidence of anemia in baby, which is important. My cervix, placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid are remaining normal. It is common with babies with non- immune hydrops to see problems in these mommy areas - inflammations, edema, too much fluid etc. There is still edema in his skin around his skull. Dr. Key does not seem concerned with this swelling at this point.

We talked in great depth about birth and what may or may not happen when he is born. I will be having a cesarean section. Little man is under enough stress without adding the stress of vaginal birth. I figured this would happen. I had already prepared for this. I am so sad though. Addi's birth was literally magical and I was looking forward to going through labor and birth again. I am up for whatever gets my little man here - safely.

We are at 29 weeks now. Every week he is able to remain inside of me is a huge blessing. Dr. Key is very optimistic about being at 29 weeks - it makes him smile! When he first saw us, he did not think he would make it this far. Little man will have enough to deal with when he is born, adding the challenges of prematurity only decreases his chances of survival. Every day, every week that his remains strong enough to stay inside of me is a HUGE accomplishment for him. Dr. Key said, "You are the very best incubator for your baby! He is safest right where he is."

Besides his huge, swollen belly, baby is growing normally. He measured right where he should be. We are praying that the fluid isn't limiting growth of his other internal organs - liver, kidneys, lungs. They seem to be "working" and developing normally. Blood flow is normal. We truly won't know until he is born. The ultrasound tech literally captured baby boy peeing! It was so hilarious! We have a picture of the little stream! It sure brought some light to the always stressful ultrasound session.

At this point it is important for me to closely monitor baby's movements. He is very, very active. This is a very good sign. Dr. Key keeps reminding us that sick babies or babies that are in pain will not move. It is also important to be aware of any pre-term labor signs.

We will continue to go to Great Falls every week.

It is so hard to believe that only 3 weeks have passed since we first learned how sick he is. I feel like we have been fighting this battle for months....


  1. So glad I got to see you on Saturday! I am praying, praying, praying. Love you!

  2. Hearing about you getting to hold your baby brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing this with us. My prayers will continue ~♥~ Thank you Father God for blessing us with your goodness. ~amen
