
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Addison Lately - 3 years, 7 months

"Mom, I love you. And I love your heart. And I love the diamond in your eye. All people have diamonds in their eyes, you know!" - Addison 07/11/11

Addi and I were reading a book about frogs. It was explaing that frogs eat insects. I asked Addi if she knew another word that means the same thing as insect. She looked at one of the pictures in the book, counted it's legs, and said, "Well, that's not an insect it only has 3 legs." She just amazes me every day. Duh, she knows an insect is a bug and she also knows that insects have 6 legs and spiders have 8 legs! Mamma was so proud of her!!!

I was saying goodnight to Addi. She said, "Mom, I didn't give the baby a hug and kiss." She kissed and hugged the belly and told the baby goodnight. I said, "You sure are a great big sister." She distorted her face into her disgusted look and said, "But when the baby comes out and he is all bloody I do not want to kiss him!" She loves to look at her baby scrapbook of the pictures when she was seconds old. I assured her that when she sees him he will be all clean and kissable!

Addi and I were visiting Grandma and Grandpa Powell. Addi was in a mood. Her Addi-tude was raging and she was having a difficult time listening. I said something to Deaette about how difficult she can be sometimes. Deaette had her in her arms holding her like a baby and Addi finished my sentence, "Because I have a giant attitude!" Yes, Addi, that is exactly why!!

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