The stinking Griz game overshadowed the party, but we still had a great time seeing old friends, eating Dave's excellent food and watching the kids play and dance around together.
We celebrated Christmas with Dylan's parents and siblings the Wednesday before Christmas. We made pizza and opened gifts. Spencer was hilarious as always. Addison has really warmed up to him and even searches for him now. Just in time for him to leave for a year. She says Spencer is "funny" now instead of "scary"! Grammy and Grampy Powell got Addison a tricycle. She loved it so much she literally laid on it, hugging the box!
Christmas Eve we spent the afternoon and evening with my dad and granny. We had a wonderful turkey dinner in celebration of my dad's birthday and Christmas Eve.
Addison wasn't acting normal most of the night. We figured she was over tired from the past couple days. She wasn't hungry and turned down pie! She kept laying on the floor and grabbing her belly and asking to go home and she never wants to leave Papa's house! Around 8 pm she crawled up on my lap and threw up, big time. This is the first time she has had the "flu". She was so sick for 12-15 straight hours. For a few hours she would throw up every 10-15 minutes. Dylan and I took turns camping out with her in the living room throughout the night. She didn't understand throwing up into the pot so it often was splattered everywhere. We went through every sheet and blanket we had. On Christmas morning Dylan said to her, "Honey, Santa came. Look at your stocking!." She barely had the energy to glance up to see it full of stuff. She said weakly, "Yah." Around 11 am that morning she was sitting up on the couch
and we set presents and her stocking in her lap. She was very weak and had a hard time opening the gifts.
She began to light up and get some energy! We missed a large Powell Family gathering at Aunt Wendy's house. I also was ill and with Addi spent most of Christmas Day sleeping. It was such a bummer that she was sick on Christmas. We had spent weeks talking about Santa and she was starting to comprehend the idea and was looking forward to the day to open her presents. We had a nice, quiet, sick day at home! The very next day she felt so much better and was able to play and enjoy her new things. Even in the sickest moment of her little life she never lost her sweetness. At times she was worried about me and would say to Daddy, "Momma, sick." She has the sweetest little voice asking for juice or wa-wa and is so sweet and cuddly when she isn't feeling well. My poor little girl!
It was a little different Christmas than we were looking forward to, but happy, healthy (well, Dylan was) and together in a warm home. We are very much looking forward to the new year. God willing, a pay check will be in our future, another move (hopefully the last one in a long while), and maybe Dylan will allow us to talk about a little brother or sister for Addison!
What a bummer about being sick on Christmas...But we are so glad to have you home!
Sick kids are the worst! Hopefully you guys are all recovered. Addi is getting so big... I couldn't believe it when I saw the video on facebook. She is precious!