
Friday, December 4, 2009

Addison's Words

Some things I never want to forget.

The way she says some words:

Ra-Ra = Sara
Dabe = Dave
Wiper = Fischer
Meelow = Mason
DubDow = Pug-Pug
Opple = Open
Cheese = Camera
Vitty = Vitamin
Toot = Cute
Boob = Boots
Forb = Fort
Mulp = Milk
Puter = Computer
Buttent = Button
Side = Outside
Boop = Book
Bankie = Blanket
E-oo = We have no idea, but she says it all the time
Nummy = Yummy
Kayoh = Kaidyn

We are quite disgusting and blame anything stinky on Pug-Pug's butt. So whenever Addi farts she says, "Pug-Pug did it"!!

For the longest time, she thought moles and nipples were owies and would try to pick them off.

She tries to sing along to several songs. She doesn't know the words, so she mouths silently random words. She looks like she is lip singing!

She still will only sign "Love You" and will not say it.

The way she dances...She puts her hands into fists and hold her elbows at 90 degree angles and bounces her arms up and down!

The way she used to have to hold my hand while she pooped. Now she is all grown up and needs privacy and goes into the bathroom all by herself and closes the door.

Her fascination with buttons, especially purple ones. Papa has a tin can full of buttons. She loves to dump them on the table and separate out the purple ones. She almost always leaves Papa's house with a purple button in a zip lock baggie.

The way she turns anything into a phone and pretends to call people. I saw her one day sitting on the recliner holding a remote (a pretend phone) up to her ear with her shoulder, pretend talking to Ra-Ra, while scrolling through her pictures on the digital camera. What?? When did she turn 13?

Whenever the dogs bark she says, "Heeeyyyy, Sshhhh." Whenever the dogs fart she makes them go outside and says, "side, stink, potty."

She loves having her toe and fingernails painted. After she gets them painted she has to show everyone her nails. She will even take off her shoes and socks to show people her toes.

The way she makes the noise the animal makes instead of saying the name of the animal. Monkey is "eeee oooo", Lizard is flicking her tongue in and out, Cat is "meeeoooow", Deer is blowing air out of her mouth! She may never say the words just make the noises!! She finally says the word wolf instead of howling like one!!!

The way she gets herself ready to go down a slide or jump off of something. "Ready, two, three, go!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey she says Em pretty toot too. awm? And don't ever forget the ways she cracks up! And how she sits in her camp chair around the fire haning with us big kids. Oh if we made a list of all the uniquely Addi things she does it would take days to read through it!! Man is she ever cool...
