The first day of lessons went as I expected. Sara, the instructor, asked the kids to sit on the edge of the pool and then she came to each kid and grabbed them and lifted them into the water. Well, I knew right away that this would freak Addi out. She does not like being grabbed by strangers. She started to cry and it took a couple minutes to calm her down. Throughout the 1/2 hour lesson I was on the edge of the pool coaxing Addi to participate. She did get into the water and do the excerises but quickly climbed back out when Sara came close to her! I kept encouraging her by whispering in her ear. She is very comfortable in the water - she has no fear! She already swims on her own with water wings. She knows how to blow bubbles, hold her breath under water, jump in, kick, and she even floats on her back. When Sara was explaining to the other kids how to do things I would joke with Addi saying, "You know how to do that. Get in there and show them." It worked sometimes! She mostly just giggled. She thought it was really funny to get in the water and kick and see how wet she could get me! When the lesson was over Addi was all upset because it was over. She is excited to go back on Wednesday. She called me at work this morning to ask if swim lessons were today! Now that she knows what to expect I think she will be more eager to partcipate. We went to Target after her lesson and she got to pick out a new suit and goggles. She picked a suit that looks like a ballet tutu. She said, "I wants to be fancy!"
The last two lessons involved Addi sitting on the edge watching, whimpering and crossing her arms in protest. She is so weary of strangers and does not trust new people. Her teacher suggested I get in the water with her during a different class. I agreed. Addi loves the water and it is hurting her feelings that she is too shy to learn and play. Next Wednesday Addi and I will take lessons together!
Good choice on the suit, Addi!