Last night I told Dylan either the chicken wings we had for dinner were soaked in growth hormones or I spontaneously grew triplets!!! I feel prematurely huge! I don't think I really started to "show" with Addi until closer to 5 months and then I got big fast. I feel like I grow a little more each day. I don't know when I "popped" exactly, but it sure felt like I woke up one morning last week and suddenly looked pregnant!
I seem to be carrying baby really high, just like Addi! Could it be a girl??!! Granny told me in another few weeks she will be able to tell me the sex of the baby! I just love grannies and their old wives tales that they swear by! She says she knew Addi was a girl from the beginning!
I can still sleep on my belly as long as I use my leg to offset all the pressure on my belly. I am almost an exclusive belly-only sleeper and really missed last time not being able to sleep on my belly! There is a very time-sensitive window while I am pregnant when I can still sleep on my belly. About mid-1st trimester my boobs are so tender I cannot sleep on my belly and then by mid-2nd trimester my belly is too big to sleep on my belly! It really is a delicate time for me!
I am regularly feeling baby move and I have also started to feel my uterus tightening periodically throughout the day. I felt the Braxton-Hicks contractions all throughout my pregnancy with Addi also. I love them! It reminds me that my body is getting ready for baby's big arrival! I have developed dark spots and blotches all over my face - due to the temporarily increase in melanin.
16 week baby

Pic from
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