Addi and I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Placid Lake Cabin. The whole fam-damily was there, including Moni, Mike and Madi and Mom, Mark and the kids! I was so great. I kept it low key due to being so sick and still so tired and weak. Addi had a blast playing with Grandma Bobbi and all her cousins and aunts and uncles in the warm cabin. We played a bit in the snow, sledding and walking on the lake. Addison wasn’t too sure about the snowmobiles. Uncle Rick harassed her constantly with his snowmobile helmet on, trying to coax her onto a snowmobile. No thank you! She wouldn’t get anywhere near those loud, fast things! Uncle Ron was gleaming, showing off his new Rubicon! I tried convincing him that he actually bought it for me, but he wouldn’t acknowledge those comments!

Watching the big kids sled, ski and snowmobile.

Dancing in the cabin.

Sledding with Grandma Bobbi.

Uncle Rick - the dictator!

My adorable snow-bunny.

Reading books with Grandma Bobbi.

Great-Aunt Shelly!

Perfect Addi-sized sledding hill!

Snow Angels on the lake! Yay!

Keeping a close eye on Uncle Rick and his snowmobile!