What is baby up to?
Embryo has graduated to fetus! Fetus II is growing finger nails, moving, rolling, opening and closing hands and making fists, producing urine, tooth buds and hair follicles are forming, brain waves are transmitting, ovaries and/or testicles are forming, and baby would react if touched ... busy little baby!

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What is mamma up to?
I have to think about not peeing my pants when I cough or sneeze and keeping all this extra, fast growing body hair under control is a full time job!!!!
I had a doctor’s appointment on Friday. I gained back the weight I lost the first week I was so sick. The midwife did an external Doppler for the baby’s heartbeat. Unfortunately, we were unable to hear anything due to the baby being still so small. That evening Dylan, Addi and I went to Dylan’s clinic and we did a quick ultrasound. All is good. Baby’s heart was beating great and baby was even moving and we saw baby waving his little arm!
Eating is still difficult. I have aversions to almost everything I normally eat. I have an appetite, but few things taste good. I get occasional heart burn and feel out of breath really easy! I could literally sleep 18 hours a day. I would feel better if I could nap around noon each day. I am definitely chubbier, but I don’t look pregnant! I am happy to say that the nausea has passed, as long as I don’t allow my belly to completely empty. I am extremely emotional. I literally cry at a drop of a hat. TV commercials, baby pictures of Addi, songs and random thoughts send me into a whorl wind of tears.
This pregnancy feels so different from my first and I have been trying to put my finger on why that is. It is hard for me to remember exactly how I felt with Addi. I know I was so surprised, excited, giddy and anxious for her to arrive. I remember that the pregnancy seemed to fly by. With this pregnancy, the past few weeks have seemed to drag. I am sure it is because I have been so sick and because we are experiencing what feels like the world’s longest winter ever. We have spent most of our winter days inside. We are bored and cooped up. I think I have less time to day dream. I was always thinking about my pregnancy with Addi, it became like an obsession. With this pregnancy, it doesn’t feel real yet. I am still waiting for it to hit me! The first trimester is brutal for me. I am SOOOO tired ALL the time and really nauseous for weeks, it really wears me down. With spring and my 2nd trimester right around the corner hopefully I will start to feel normal!
With this likely being my last pregnancy, I am trying to soak up every minute, remember each detail and enjoy each stage – the good and the not so easy. I am loving that Addi is older and able to participate. When she sees the baby on ultrasound she gets all smiley and was excited that her baby sister waved to her! If I accidently refer to the baby as him, she quickly reminds me that the baby will be a baby sister! She often touches my belly and tells me it is getting bigger. The other day she said with a sad face, “When will my baby sister be here?” She has me read to her out of my pregnancy journal and likes hearing what the baby is up to – developmentally.

It warmed up to around 20 degrees this weekend and we took the dogs down to the state park for a little walk.
Eating is still difficult. I have aversions to almost everything I normally eat. I have an appetite, but few things taste good. I get occasional heart burn and feel out of breath really easy! I could literally sleep 18 hours a day. I would feel better if I could nap around noon each day. I am definitely chubbier, but I don’t look pregnant! I am happy to say that the nausea has passed, as long as I don’t allow my belly to completely empty. I am extremely emotional. I literally cry at a drop of a hat. TV commercials, baby pictures of Addi, songs and random thoughts send me into a whorl wind of tears.
This pregnancy feels so different from my first and I have been trying to put my finger on why that is. It is hard for me to remember exactly how I felt with Addi. I know I was so surprised, excited, giddy and anxious for her to arrive. I remember that the pregnancy seemed to fly by. With this pregnancy, the past few weeks have seemed to drag. I am sure it is because I have been so sick and because we are experiencing what feels like the world’s longest winter ever. We have spent most of our winter days inside. We are bored and cooped up. I think I have less time to day dream. I was always thinking about my pregnancy with Addi, it became like an obsession. With this pregnancy, it doesn’t feel real yet. I am still waiting for it to hit me! The first trimester is brutal for me. I am SOOOO tired ALL the time and really nauseous for weeks, it really wears me down. With spring and my 2nd trimester right around the corner hopefully I will start to feel normal!
With this likely being my last pregnancy, I am trying to soak up every minute, remember each detail and enjoy each stage – the good and the not so easy. I am loving that Addi is older and able to participate. When she sees the baby on ultrasound she gets all smiley and was excited that her baby sister waved to her! If I accidently refer to the baby as him, she quickly reminds me that the baby will be a baby sister! She often touches my belly and tells me it is getting bigger. The other day she said with a sad face, “When will my baby sister be here?” She has me read to her out of my pregnancy journal and likes hearing what the baby is up to – developmentally.
It warmed up to around 20 degrees this weekend and we took the dogs down to the state park for a little walk.