Addison, Papa, and I met Sara and Ellie in Sheridan, Wyoming for the weekend. Seven and a half hours is half way between Missoula and Colorado Springs and that happens to be Sheridan! The girl's birthdays are 7 days apart and Sara and I wanted to do a special birthday getaway tradition with the girls every year. This weekend in Sheridan begins this special tradition. We left Friday after work. Papa was deathly sick but hung in there to drive into mid-morning! The last couple hours of the drive he was a bit delusional due to being so sick and was "seeing" white rabbits running along the truck!! It was hilarious. He said I couldn't drive because I couldn't even see all the rabbits outside the truck!!! He kept laughing about using a teepee symbol as a lodging symbol!! I still don't quite get what was so funny! We made it to Sheridan around 1 am. Sara and Ellie pulled up shortly after us. Ellie was so sweet and came right to me with a kiss and head butt!!

Addison opened her birthday gift from Auntie and Cousin around 2 am. A very approaite Dora purse, sunglasses and talking "Backpack". The girls played together in party hats until we made them go to sleep around 3:30 am.
Sara bought the girls matching Dora jammies! They loved them. On Saturday morning the girls were awake and Sara and I were just waking up. The girls were sitting on the bed talking to each other in between Sara and I. I watched Ellie point to Dora on her jammies and say to Addi, "Dor". Addison pointed to Dora on her jammies and very
clearly, ennucaited, "Dor-a"! Ellie said, "Nooooo, Dor", as she pointed to her Dora! This went back and forth for a few minutes! Then shortly after this little argument Addison layed on the bed and Ellie layed her head on Addison's chest. Cuddling together Addison wrapped her arm around Ellie. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Addison opened her birthday gift from Auntie and Cousin around 2 am. A very approaite Dora purse, sunglasses and talking "Backpack". The girls played together in party hats until we made them go to sleep around 3:30 am.
Sara bought the girls matching Dora jammies! They loved them. On Saturday morning the girls were awake and Sara and I were just waking up. The girls were sitting on the bed talking to each other in between Sara and I. I watched Ellie point to Dora on her jammies and say to Addi, "Dor". Addison pointed to Dora on her jammies and very

The girls had a great time swimming in the pool and hottub together. Addison was a water maniac as always and even jumped into the water without me there! She is crazy. She pushes herself under the water and blows bubbles out of her nose. She holds her breath when she jumps in and loves being under the water!
The girls enjoyed wrestling and roughing together on the bed. Addison would growl at Ellie and tackle her. One time tiny little Ellie pinned Addison! I was a blast watching them together.

It was a quick visit, but a great time. Papa started to feel a little better and was so happy he made the trip. The girls LOVE their Papa and Papa kind of likes them too!
Addison will talk about this trip for months. She says, "Ellie, Ra-Ra, home." "Ellie, pool." "Ra-Ra, funny!!!" So adorable.
Thanks for a great trip Sara. Next year....Maui, on me!!!
Addison will talk about this trip for months. She says, "Ellie, Ra-Ra, home." "Ellie, pool." "Ra-Ra, funny!!!" So adorable.
Thanks for a great trip Sara. Next year....Maui, on me!!!
Yayyy - what great updates. I cannot wait to see you all in a week or so - we must make it happen! -Elaine
ReplyDeleteWell I feel like not commenting...but I am not sure I would get away with that! This story of sisters, papa (dad/grandpa), & these truely one-of-a-kind kids!...makes me realize how things are meant to be.