
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer Is ....

Playing at the Reservoir:

Endless Montana Moose Moss ice cream cones at The Ice Cream Parlor:

Hot, Summer Date Nights:


Catching Bugs:

Mud Puddle Jumping after a Summer Storm:

And the bath afterwards:

Dress Up with Auntie Jaci:

 Sleeping under the stars:

Pool Parties:

Running Wild Half Naked:

Cuddling newborns:

Cold beers on a hot evening:

Long drives:

Getting dirty:

 Backyard Smores':

Hanging out with friends:



Slumber Parties with Besties:

Big girl days:
Ears pierced!

Playing at the cabin with family:

Bike Riding:


Stealing peas from the garden:

 Storm watching on the deck:

Dancing in a rain storm:

Hot, sweaty coolness:

With the start of school, we can say that summer is already over. I will be devastated to say goodbye to warm, lazy summer days full of play and fun. I will miss seeing Landon in only a diaper and rain boots. I will miss Addi's adorable tan little body waking up and going to sleep in a swimsuit. The steady string of visitors will slow and I will miss seeing friends and family.

Summer is full of warm memories, happy times together and endless, careless days filled with fun and for each and every memory, I am grateful.

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