
Friday, August 31, 2012


Addi started soccer this week and has had two practices. In the beginning of practice she is shy and I have to kneel beside her. Once she warms up the smile never leaves her face and I can join the other giddy, proud parents on the sidelines! She is learning to kick goals and to dribble and pass the ball.

The Pee-Wee Team!

Last night at practice they played a game, girl versus boys. It was so cute. After a goal the girls would huddle up, strategize and then do a little cheer! All the kids pretty much have no idea what they are doing and they are so adorable as they try to figure it out.

Girls huddle!
First "game"
Addi is scratching her head! She is SO confused!

Cancer Free - 2 YEARS!

Every three months my mom goes to see her cancer doctor for a full body scan. The scans purpose is to find any new spots of cancer as early as possible. Over two years ago her cancer was first found as lumps in her mouth and throat. With many surgeries the lumps were removed. Eventually spots of cancer were found in her chest and throat lymph nodes. Many months of chemo and intense radiation killed those spots.  Her latest body scan marks two years of being cancer free! Because her cancer was found in her lymph nodes she was told it was only a matter of time before it comes back. Her doctor said it is "miraculous" that she has been free of cancer for two years. Praise God. 

Her treatments were so harsh she was unable to eat. She had to have a feeding tube inserted. On Monday, because of a clean scan, she finally had the feeding tube removed. The doctors were unsure why, but her feeding tube created constant, horrible pain. For two years, on top of the treatments, she was living with constant pain. Normally, having a feeding tube removed is a simple procedure, but removing mom's landed her in day surgery. When her doctor pulled out the tube the anchor stayed inside of her. She had to be put to sleep and the doctor inserted a scope. The anchor was floating around un-embedded so the doctor was able to pull it out through her throat. 

Cancer free. Feeding tube free. Pain medicine free. She is feeling great and is trying to put on some weight. She is looking forward to finding a part-time job this fall. 

Landon cuddling with Grandma Bobbi.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preschool Open House

We were so happy that Landon was well enough for us to make it back to Choteau in time for Addison's preschool open house. She was excited to see her school and meet her new teacher. On the way to the open house she asked, "Is it okay to call it school instead of preschool?!"

She is one of 10 other four and five year old's. Her first day is next Tuesday. She will attend Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the morning.

I have heard such wonderful things about Trinity Lutheran Preschool and their teacher, Mrs. Gramm. She seemed really sweet. Addi really liked her. After a brief overview of the rules and curriculum the kids got to check out their classroom. They found their names on their coat hooks and at their spot at the table. Mrs. Gramm showed Addi the science section.  We had snacks and Mrs. Gramm gave each child a little encouragement gift and a balloon.

Making a hurricane with Mrs. Gramm.
Addi and BFF Jaden checking things out!

Her classroom is huge! It has several different learning sections.  I am looking forward to this year for Addi. I know she will thrive and have such a blast.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Dog Days of Summer

Choteau's public, outdoor swimming pool is the oldest in Montana. This year was the last year this pool will be open. Right next door they are constructing a brand new pool that will open next summer. The last day the pool was open this summer was for the dogs, literally. The pumps were turned off and it was opened to our community's dogs to come take a swim, cool off and chase a ball in the deep end. 

Kya, our pug was totally into it! She was so happy to be set into the water, do a few laps and then come back to the pool's edge to be lifted out. After a few excited pug laps on the deck she was ready for another swim. It is fun to watch people react to a pug that loves to swim. I am not sure if it is common for other pugs to swim, but Kya has always loved the water. She will even retrieve sticks or balls, usually with a better retrieval record than our Labrador Retriever

Mason, our very 'special' lab took a long while to figure it all out! Dylan had to not-so-gracefully help him into the water. He soon stole another dogs' ball and then he was dumbly happy. Some kids and dog parents got into the water also. It was a pretty hysterical sight. Our friends, Shane and Claudia, were also there with their two dogs, Widdles and Honey Bear. We all left unintentionally soaked with smelly, dog water! It was a great way to close the pool down for it's last summer.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Landon's 12 Month Old Check-Up

Last Friday Landon had his 12 month old well-baby check-up. The days leading up to the check-up I composed my list of concerns or questions that I had for his doctor. The list contained only one question, why do his new teeth come in so yellow, and rotten looking? The smallest list of concerns I have ever taken to his doctor. I guess that means some of my anxiety and constant worry over his health is subsiding a bit, I have been able to relax. That's what I thought anyway.

The night before his appointment he was in the bathtub. When I put Landon into an couple inches of water he turns into an Olympic swimmer. He takes a bath like he is in training. He gets himself onto his belly and kicks and splashes. He purposely puts his face under the water. He scooches himself up in the tub only to hold his legs and arms up so he can slide on his belly back to the other end of the bathtub. To say the least it is not a sit-on-your-bum and play-with-a rubber-duckie type of bath. He giggles and smiles and exhausts himself. After several minutes of allowing him to train I rolled him onto his back to wash his hair and body. I shreaked out to Dylan when I noticed his private area had ballooned in size, was completely distorted and very, very hard. Even Dylan was taken back by how abnormal his area looked. We pulled him out of the tub and Dylan was able to determine that he had a hernia. He was able to manipulate everything back to normal only to have it pop back out again. Dylan said, "I'm sure he'll need surgery."

The cutest little baby butt ever!

It worked out that the very next day we were already scheduled to see his pediatrician. When she asked about my list of concerns, she knows me too well, I said I only have two. I explained the previous nights' bathtub excitement. From my explanation and a quick exam she agreed that he had a hernia on both sides and would need surgery in the next week or two to have it fixed. She laughed when I told her that I assured Dylan that she would know of a secret cure that would not require surgery! She does not. She explained what to look for if it were to strangulate. Pain. He would be in a lot of pain.

Talk about a sinking feeling in my chest. We have been so fortunate up to this point. We haven't had to speak of the S-word. It was a worry we hadn't yet had to face. He had minor 'surgeries' right in the NICU, a chest tube and PIC line were inserted right there on his 'bed'. He was still sedated and on pain medication when they did it. He has never received anesthesia. We have never had to kiss him goodbye before they wheeled him away from us to an operating room. I know I am being so dramatic. It will be a very common, mild, outpatient surgery, but it still scares me very much. Landon will have surgery the first part of September in Missoula.

Landon remained "so cool" through his appointment. 

Landon's doctor said she would also like for Landon to see a heart specialist. Landon was born with pectus excavatum, a sunken chest, and she wants to be sure it isn't affecting his heart in anyway. Nothing abnormal has been detected in his heart and he is breathing normally, she just wants to make sure. We will see a heart specialist in Great Falls the first part of September.

After we addressed these little concerns, Landon received three shots. The past several days he has had a minor fever and has been very sleepy and fussy. The shots and a new tooth about to poke through will do that to him.

So why do his new teeth come in so yellow and rotten looking? His doctor said it is a question for a dentist, but she believes it has to do with how sick he was and how much antibiotics he received. She said his second set of teeth should come in without looking damaged.

Landon weighs 17 pounds and 9 ounces and is 27.75 inches long. His growth curve officially shows up on the average grow scale for his real age, but his curve is still just below the lowest curve! He is still small for his age, but he is gaining on the average!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

For The Love Of Blankey

Addison and Landon have a special bond with their blankets. As infants Dylan and I have cuddle our babies with their blankets tossed over our shoulder. Inadvertently, we introduced their blankets to them as a way for them to comfort themselves. With their blankets in hand they feel secure and safe.

Green Blankey joined the family in April of 2008.  For Addi's first Easter Grandma Deaette and I picked out Green Blankey for Addi. Addi was five months old. Almost immediately Addi fell in love with her Green Blankey. She has done little without her blanket nearby. She still falls asleep with Green Blankey near her face, sometimes wrapped around her head.

Addi and Green Blankey sitting on a glacier.

Wherever Addi goes, Green Blankey goes. Green Blankey goes camping. Green Blankey keeps Addi warm on top glaciers. Green Blankey blocks the sun and wind.  Green Blankey goes to the movies. Green Blankey naps with Papa and Auntie Sara. Green Blankey goes hiking. Green Blankey goes shopping. Green Blankey goes to doctor's appointments and sleep-overs at Grandma's. Green Blankey goes road tripping. Green Blankey has tea parties and goes on boat rides. Green Blankey can be a superhero cape and a princess gown. Green Blankey can dance and can turn into a funny puppet animal. A major search and rescue mission is launched if Green Blankey is missing at bed time. Addi absolutely cannot sleep without it. Although Green Blankey has been drug through the dirt, ran over with her bike, chewed on by dogs and washed a million times, it remains in-tact and un-tattered.

Green Blankey was there for our girls movie date night tonight!

Shortly after we brought Landon home, Great-Auntie Wendy and Great-Aunt Cheri gave Landon his Superman Blankey. It is awesome that Landon's blanket has little Supermans all over it -- so appropriate for the superboy he is! Landon has a similiar relationship to Superman Blankey as Addi does with Green Blankey. He needs it cuddled next to his face with his two fingers in his mouth in order to fall asleep. Landon likes to offer his blankey to other babies and hide behind it for a game of peekaboo.When we go into his room to pick him up out of his crib, he makes sure he has his blankey in his hand before he is picked up. He often stops playing to search for his Superman Blankey. Once he finds it he pulls it down or crawls to it, hugs it tight and then lays on it. Superman Blankey has been to countless doctor's appointments. After shots this past week it was Superman Blankey that settled him down. He cuddled with his blanket and immeditatley stopped crying. In less than a year Superman Blankey has been to the San Juan Islands, has gone fishing and to the hot springs. It has been to the parade and to the cabins on the lake. Superman Blankey has been on many road trips including a trip to Auntie Sara's house. Superman Blankey keeps Landon secure in the stroller and bike trailer. Superman Blankey makes a tired, sick or crabby baby feel a little better. I can only imagine the adventures this little boy and his blanket will find.

Such a simple, but an important thing. I would have never thought a square piece of fabric would mean so much to my babies. I wonder if Addi with have a piece of her blankey on her honeymoon! Will Landon have his blankey when he leaves for college? I hope they always carry at least a piece of their blankeys with them so they always feel at home -- safe, secure and loved.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The "oohhhh" Face

When Addison was a baby, about 9 months old until she was about three, she would make this face whenever she saw something that was cute to her --- her new baby cousin, an animal, her friend Carley, a baby kitten --- any baby at all! She would squinch up her nose and lips and say "ooooohhhhh".  I would say,  "Oooohhh, that's so cute!"

Addi's little pumpkin was "Sooo, cute!"

It was one of the sweetest things she has ever done. I was heartbroken when she grew too old and stopped doing it. I never thought I would get to see that sweet face again. Well to our surprise Landon does the same thing! He makes the, "ooooohhhh, that's so cute" face! When he sees his friend, Baby Danni, he points at her or reaches for her hand and makes the face and says, "oooohhhh". When he sees a cat or a baby animal in a book he does the face and makes the sound! He doesn't quite get his face as squinched up as Addi did!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Words

For about two months Landon has been saying "Dada". At first it was a sound, now it's a word, the name of a very important person. He stands in his crib in the morning and says Dada over and over again until Daddy goes and gets him. When Daddy gets home from work Landon says "Dada" and crawls in high-speed to get to him.

Landon's name for Addi is ''sister'' and he says it perfectly. He says it with great excitement first thing in the morning when he first sees Addi. His legs start kicking, his arms start flapping and he happily says, "sister, sister".  When Addison talks with Landon she refers to herself as "sister" or "big sister" so it is only natural that Landon calls her that.

Whenever Landon sees a dog he points, kicks in excitement and says, "dog".

This past weekend we were in Missoula staying with my dad, Papa. Papa has Sid the pug dog. Sid is like no other dog on the planet. He is six years old, but he is a perpetual puppy. Sid loves kids, especially babies. He is very gently with them and loves to bring them stinky old dog toys. Landon loves to hand Sid his ball and handfuls of food. This weekend Landon very clearly said "Sid". He said it many times when Sid was near him or when he handed Sid food!

Papa has this funny little tradition in the morning when we are in town of eating his morning toast on the couch. The pugs, Sid and Kya, know that if they sit at his feet he will share toast crust with them. When Addi and Ellie were babies they quickly learned that to get a bite of toast they could wait, with the pugs, at Papa's feet. Well this weekend Landon also learned how to get a bite of toast from Papa. Landon saw Papa walk into the living room with a piece of toast, headed for the couch. Landon clear as day said, "Papa, Papa", and starting crawling, again in high-speed, to Papa's feet. I about fell to the ground when I heard him say Papa. Papa of course was gleaming with pride. Although he didn't stop smiling, he tried playing it off like it was no-big-deal! Landon proceeded to stand at Papa's lap and get bites of toast. He called out to "Papa" a couple more times that weekend.

Apart from his five real words he has all sorts of noises that we know mean certain things. He has a noise for flower and a separate noise for animal. He has a special squeal when he is thirsty and a different squeal when he wants more of something! He points at everything now. He points at animals he sees, flowers he wants to hold, a helicopter flying by, a book he wants to read and the elk antlers and wolf paintings on the wall.

So far Landon says, Dada, Dog, Sid, Papa and Sister. I have to admit, I was a little upset that Landon said Sid before he said Mama!

{12 months old}

Weekend in Missoula

We spent the weekend in Missoula visiting with Kendall and Josh who were in town from Alabama. We haven't seen them since December of 2010. Too long. It was their first time meeting Landon. It was great catching up with them. They seem to be very happy and doing very well.

In September, Grandma Deaette and Grandpa Jeff will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. I arranged a special day for them to celebrate with all their wonderful, beautiful children! We had our whole family in town, which is a rare thing now. I surprised them with a family photo shoot. Photos were taken in Greenough Park by our family friend, Jessi. It was a blast. Anytime the Powell boys are together you can expect to laugh, a lot! Addi and Landon did very well. They are pretty use to having a camera pointed at them! I have seen a couple of Jessi's pictures and I am giddy with excitement to see them all. They will certainly be a lifelong treasure. 

A beautiful sneak peak!

After the photo shoot we headed to the Mustard Seed Restaurant where a surprise dinner with close family and friends was waiting for them. It took Jeff until the end of the dinner to realize we were celebrating them! I know they were surprised. I took the day off from taking pictures, it was very relaxing! Jessi captured the whole day for us. 

My very awesome sister-in-law. Love her!
On August 13th Dylan and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary. Hard to believe! I love our life together. Every year gets a little better. We continue to have so much fun! I feel so lucky to have him as my partner in life, my best friend. 

Landon and I spent the day visiting with my Granny and grocery shopping. Dylan and Addi took his family floating on the raft. The last float with 'Old Orange'. Dylan came across a deal on a new raft that he could not pass up, so for our anniversary he got a new boat! 

Addi on the river. Pic by Auntie Kendall.
One happy Daddy and his new boat. 
We had a very special Powlund salmon and steak anniversary dinner with our Dave, Em, Fischer and Grandma Teresa. 

The Powlunds!
Addi met Fischer for the first time. 

Addison and Landon got in some very special aunt and uncle time this weekend! Big hugs!

Auntie & Uncle LOVE!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Busy Fall

At four years old, Addison is finally at the age when she can start participating in all the fun preschool activities. I wasn't sure if I would be the type of mom who signs their kids up for every activity possible, but apparently I totally am! I want Addi to be well-rounded and I want to give her the opportunity to try many different things, discover a talent or gift and develop that gift into something she can carry with her her whole life. My friend and neighbor's little girl, Jaden, will also be doing many of these activities with Addi. They are very excited!

Addi and her friend, Jaden. They are two peas in a pod.
Pic by J's mom!
This fall Addison will go to preschool three days a week. Addison is very excited for school. She is looking forward to meeting many of the kids she will likely start kindergarten with.

She will continue gymnastics once per week. He coach said starting in September she wants to move Addi up an age group due to her ability to take instruction well and her confidence and skills have really improved. I personally LOVE watching her in gymnastics. I really hope she decides to stick with it.

This fall she will start a music class where by the end of the three year commitment she will be playing the piano at an intermediate level, reading music and she will have learned introductory music theory. In three years she will be able to continue with regular piano or begin violin lessons. For a very long time she has said she wants to play the violin. She is also very excited to start 'music school.' The class sounds pretty intense. At-home practice is a huge part of our commitment and parent involvement in mandatory. I am looking forward to learning alongside her as I am musically handicapped!

Although registration isn't until next week, she will likely also start ballet and soccer this fall. My friend and I are hoping to work out a carpool schedule to take our girls to ballet in Great Falls. Addi shakes with excitement when she talks about ballet. She has expressed interest in ballet since she was two. At home she watches ballet videos on YouTube and she is always dancing and prancing around!

I was really surprised at her enthusiasm and excitement when she saw a soccer flyer in the post office! She said she really wants to play soccer, IF she can get a soccer outfit! Lesson one: reminding her that a basketball is not a soccer ball! Sweet Addison, she knows what 'pike', 'plie' 'figure 8 knot' and 'repel' mean, but she gets confused on all the different types of balls!

So here's to a very, very busy fall. I feel like it will be a small taste of what life will be like when both kids are immersed in their crazy busy school lives.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Landon's One Year Old Photos

Our sweet little man. 

Pictures by me.
Pictures by me.

When Landon is being silly he makes this face and snorts like a pig!
His flower!

I made this postcard and sent it to his nurses & doctors at the NICU and also to my perinatologist. Dylan and I will forever remain indescribably grateful to all the people responsible for keeping our baby alive.

Blackleaf Climbing

With our friends Cory, Shane and Claudia we went up to Blackleaf Canyon for an awesome day of rock climbing. Dylan, Shane, Addi and Landon were there for moral support and as our camera crew. They had a fun day hiking around and watching us from their camp chairs in the parking area !

Both Cory and Claudia are experienced climbers and it is fun to watch them climb. They both are so patient and excellent teachers. I learned so, so much from both of them and I left feeling a lot more comfortable.

After many 5.6, 5.8 & 5.9 climbs Cory was ready to go for a massive 5.11 that he has had is eye on. To get to it we had to climb a 5.6, daisy chain ourselves to the anchor and then Claudia belayed Cory up from there and to get down I had to self-repel from the anchor. Cory climbed the 5.6 first and then top-belayed Claudia and I. We were able to climb together, at the same time. WOW! Once we reached Cory at the top we all three attached to the anchor. I was attached to the anchor by my daisy chain and twice with my rope, but standing on the teeny edge with Cory climbing a ridiculous route above me had me so outside of my comfort zone. I had to keep myself self in-check mentally. The wind was trying to rip us off the face, Cory fell several feet (note, he was lead climbing a 5.11) and I did not fully trust my gear. Once I had my two feet securely back on the ground I was able to appreciate how awesome it was. The first multi-pitch climb I was apart of! There were so many different elements I learned on this one climb alone.

Cory easing us back into it --setting up a 5.6 climb for us!
He is a very confident lead climber.

That's me! Working my way up on a 5.6.

Claudia working the crack on a 5.9

Yay girl, straddle that crack!

Me climbing a 5.9 route.
Addison working a 5.6. She did really well.
Once she got her 
brave back so was all about it.
Her favorite part is repelling back down!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Summer Vacation - The San Juan Islands

{A disclaimer: this post is HUGE and with many, many pictures! Our 'vacations' are jammed packed full of activity and I took over 500 hundred pics this trip. It is really hard to pick only a few favorites! I appreciate your commitment!}

We spent our summer vacation on the coast of Washington State. We spent time in Seattle, Bellingham, Orcas Island, San Juan Island, Leavenworth and Wenatchee.

Day One (Saturday):

We arrived in Missoula on Friday to drop off Mason and Kya with our parents. The next morning we woke with the sun and aligned our truck west. We made a breakfast stop in Spokane where we met our dear friends, Scott, Jackie, Owen, Ethan and Liam. We met them at their neighborhood doughnut shop. It was too quick a visit, but any amount of time I get to hug my friend and kiss on her sweet boys is a special time indeed.

Ethan, Owen, Liam
Addi & Landon

Addi loves farmer's markets. She loves the food, the jewelry and watching all the crazy people that gather. I could not think of a better place to take her in Seattle that was sure not to disappoint.  The Pike's Place Market is always a fun place to stretch your legs and re-engergize after seven hours trapped in the car.

Waiting for a fish to fly.
The color of the market.

After an hour or two in Seattle we loaded back up and redirected north to Bellingham. I have heard such great things about Bellingham. People have described it as, Missoula on the ocean. Dylan interviewed for a job there a year or so ago and wasn't impressed, but I was looking forward to seeing if was what I had dreamed up in my mind. I had always thought it was a place I might want to live. It was very similar to Missoula. A smaller college town with big trees and cozy neighborhoods. Walking along the city park path you see college kids throwing a Frisbee or balancing on a slack-line. Walking around the historic Fairhaven district you will find shops of all kinds, tress wrapped in knitted blankets (not really sure why!), delicious cafes and local breweries.  Every one has a dog, their nose pierced and Chacos on their feet. Sounds like Missoula, right?! It's chilly though, the sun rarely shines and it is apparently always gray and gloomy. We lucked out the first night we were there and were able to watch the sunset over the ocean without the clouds blocking the color. It feels more like a big city, bigger than I prefer, but I did like it there. I liked the overgrown evergreen forests, the sight of Mt. Baker watching over the town and the easy access to the ocean, tide pools, islands and Seattle.

Our beauty. (Unedited pics) 
Two of my favorites. A Bellingham sunset.
"Dddddd, Dddddd, Dddddd." Translation: A Bird
Day Two (Sunday):

We got an early start exploring Bellingham. We found ourselves spending the morning exploring the tide pools of Larabee State Park. We saw many crabs, hermit crabs and small fish, but our goal was to find a starfish or brittle star. I was expecting to find a small one, no bigger than Addi's palm. When I spotted something huge and bright purple squished under a rock I thought it was an octopus. I was exstatic when I realized it was a giant purple star fish. I was able to tedisoulsy remove his strong hold of a hundred tiny feet from the underside of a rock. It was totally cool. Both Landon and Addison were amazed by him. After we were finished examining the star fish we shared him with another family (after I first made the father promise to handle and return with care). They small kids were equally as excited to hold him. Walking further along down the beach we found the mother-lode! Probably over 100 giant purple and pink starfish lined the rocks. Every crook and cranny hide a star fish. Addison was so careful to pull them from their rocks and then she returned them in the exact spot she found them. I was so proud of her. Nature gets her all pumped up and excited. She can barely contain herself, she practically trembles with excitement! I wish all kids had the same experiences. I had a minor disagreement with the lava rock and sliced a big gash in my shin and toes. Luckily I was able to catch myself before Landon smacked his head on the rocks. Explore with caution. Kelp covered tide pool rocks are slippery!

thank goodness for good rain gear!

After the tide pools we headed back to Fairhaven to have lunch in a bus! We enjoyed halibut fish and chips at in the Fairhaven Village.

Lunch in a bus. 
Ice cream under these super tall flowers.

After lunch and shopping we went on a walk through Whatcom Falls Park. We explored the trails, lakes, water falls and salmon hatchery.

We finished off the evening in Bellingham with dinner at the local brewery. Great food and beer and a fun, hip atmosphere.

The Boundary Bay Brewery sampler.

Day Three (Monday):

After replenishing our coolers for our camping trip on the islands we headed back down to Anacortes to catch the ferry boat. {I count this first ferry ride as opportunity number one to spot my orcas.} We miss read the ferry schedule. Although we were lined up with plenty of time to spare we did not understand that the ferry would not be going across to Orcas Island at the time we lined up for. We waited in our truck in the ferry line for another almost three hours. It was a long, tiring, boring, frustrating wait in the ferry line.

Addi thought the ferry ride was so cool. "We can drive our truck on the boat?!", she said.

We finally arrived on Orcas Island after dinnertime. We were tired and hungry. We quickly drove through East Sound, the major community on the island, on our way to Doe Bay Resort where we would be camping. We figured we would come to another community closer where we could grab a quick bite to eat.  After finding our camp spot it was late, too late to cook a camp fire meal and the Doe Bay Cafe appeared closed. We headed back to the only open cafe we saw on the way, Cafe Olga.

It was pretty much the worst dining experience of my life and I have eaten in some holes! Five tables were crammed into a teeny, tiny room. The food was expensive and there were no options for children. Luckily we had some snacks for the kids to munch on. The service was slow and after sitting there doing our best to keep two tired, hungry kids entertained and quiet for over an hour we finally were brought our salads. I ate so fast I barely remember tasting the unfulfilling meal. The kids shared our mashed potatoes and four small slices of bread. The young waiter apologized for the wait, saying the only chef was slammed. I would only recommend this place if you have money to waste, time to kill and no children with you.

Cafe Olga
Trying to entertain Landon with a flower to keep him from screaming!

We returned back to our camp and went straight to bed.

The kids love camping! They both snuggled in,
fell fast asleep and slept through the night.

Day Four (Tuesday):

We shook off a rocky first night on the island. First thing in the morning Dylan went salmon fishing. He  was up at 4 am. The kids and I woke up much later and very happy in our tent. I love waking to their happy chatter. We made a huge breakfast and then explored our surroundings at the Doe Bay Resort.

Dylan was back from his fishing trip by one. No salmon. No fish. No whales. Not one person on the boat caught anything. A huge bummer. Dylan was smiling, almost giddy, so we knew he had a good time despite being skunked.  {Opportunity number two to see orcas. A bad sign: No salmon = no orcas}

When Dylan returned from fishing we all went and soaked in the soaking tubs at Doe Bay. FYI: family soaking hour does not mean you will not encounter a happy, completely naked grandpa man! Yikes! This place was a little too um... organic-granola-hippy --- even for me! The facilities are great. The indoor showers and community kitchen are available to all guests. The drive-to campsites are tiny. I am so glad we brought our backpacking tent. Our large family tent would not have fit in our spot. Even though we had booked a campsite with a ocean view, through the thick, evergreen trees our view was minimal. The walk-in campsites are much bigger, more private with beautiful views of the bay and ocean. They provide large carts to help get your gear to your site. I did not know this, otherwise I would have reserved either a walk-in campsite or a walk-in yurt right on the beach. The cabins, yurts and canvas tents available looked very comfortable and cozy, if that is more your style!

We spent the rest of the day exploring Orcas Island. We hiked several trails in Moran State Park. We hiked to the lookout where we had a 360 degree view of the San Juan Archipelago, Bellingham, Mt. Baker and Vancouver Island.

We took a hike through the huge rain forests to visit several water falls. Addi was looking for a secret fairy land behind the waterfalls! She was sure to get Daddy and Landon safely across a giant log bridge that she was pretending was a balance beam. She showed Daddy how to hold his hands out for balance.

We cooked dinner at camp and spent the evening at Doe Bay Resort. We sat on the bay point and watched the sun set. Landon thought a sail boat was a dog and Addi and Landon admired a broken sea shell.

Day Five (Wednesday):

We packed up camp early and spent the morning shopping around East Sound, Orcas Islands. Addi was given by a nice shop lady a real, saltwater pearl. She learned how oysters turn a grain of sand into a beautiful pearl. It was imperfect and pink. She later dropped her pearl out of the truck and lost it. She is still so upset about it.

Later in the day we went on a whale watching tour. If it hasn't yet been made clear enough, our only wish, my only wish, my only agenda for our whole trip was to see orcas. We went whale watching with the same company that Dylan went fishing with, Outer Island Expedition. Although Dylan did not catch any fish he was very happy with the boat captain and guide. The tour boat held a max of about 12 people and the captain was knowledgeable and seemed to be working to find the whales (although all they do is listen to other boat captains on the radio, they really don't go whatever distance needed to find the whales like their website stated). We did not see any orca whales. Apparently earlier in the week the resident pods left the area to fish over 200 miles away and the transient pods were not in the area. We did however catch many glimpses of a minke whale's dorsal fin, so the tour company met there whale sighting guarantee and we were not given a free pass to come back again. Watching a minke whale surface for air every few minutes is not the giant orca whale pod interaction I was so looking forward to. I tried to appreciate that dorsal fin, I mean it was a whale after all!  {Opportunity number three to see orcas.} 

Top: Addi watching for the whale, Rhinoceros Auklet, Bald Eagle, Addi packing the rain gear!!
Left Side: Harbor Seals, Cormorant
Right Bottom: Minke Whale

After our whale watching tour we caught the ferry to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. {Opportunity number four to see orcas.} Before the ferry arrived we had dinner overlooking the ferry landing harbor. It truly is such a beautiful place. The air is peaceful and calm. If you can't relax here, you may not be able to relax anywhere.

We arrived on San Juan Island just as dark was settling around us. We set up our camp at Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes. Our campsite was located at the edge of the lake and we had enough room where we could spread out and get comfortable. This campsite was set up on a little hill and we had privacy from other nearby camps. It was quiet and calm. We were allowed to have a campfire unlike at Doe Bay. It felt more like the camping we are used to. The resort's other accommodations -- the cabins, lodge and yurts seemed very nice. On site was a bath house, $2 for every 5 minutes of shower time, and a small store. The resort has fishing, volleyball, ping-pong, boat rentals and swimming.

Ferry ride from Orcas to San Juan.
I spotted whale spray way off in the distance.
First night at Lakedale.

Day Six (Thursday):

We made breakfast in camp and then I got ready for my sea kayaking trip. {Opportunity number five to see orcas.}
Dylan and the munchkins spent they day doing what Addi wanted to do, shop! They hit all the shops and museums in Friday Harbor and had some world famous fish and chips for lunch.

Daddy and the munchkins ready for their special day.

Sea kayaking with orcas. Aaahhh, icing on the San Juan Island adventure cake! To be at their level, in the water with them, so close, watching them interact with each other and with the boats, playing, hunting ... I know I am blabbering, but just daydreaming of this makes me crazy. I wanted it so, so bad.  I would be kayaking in their known playground for over 11 miles. I really, really, really thought this would be the day I've been dreaming about for as long as I can remember. Dylan says I romanticize everything, especially about whales and vacationing. I daydream up how I want it to be and then when it isn't like that I am disappointed. Maybe. But taking a trip to the San Juan Islands, with everything I read and researched I really thought it was a for-sure thing for us to see the orcas. For months I have been reading a research blog about the resident pods. I followed their hunting patterns on a map. I knew J-Pod had a new female calf this year I was really hoping to see her. I did not however anticipate all three resident pods leaving the area the very week I was there! The whales clearly did not get the memo!

I kayaked with Outdoor Odysseys Sea Kayak company. Brendan, my guide and the other people on the tour were really great. Right away I inadvertently made it known that I was there to see orcas. Brendan did all he could, "It is so rare to not have them here", he said. He truly felt bad that they were not there. We paddled from the County Park past Lime Kiln Point. We paddled very close to the coast. Looking across the ocean we could see Vancouver Island. The coast we paddled was a known feeding area of the resident pods. The tidal patterns cause nutrient rich sea water and salmon from the Strait of Juan de Fuca to be caught against the coast wall. Making it a great place for the orcas to swim for a relatively easy hunt. We saw two bald eagles, two harbor seals and many small and one large jelly fish. It wasn't much of a sea life day. The water was rough and we paddled into a head wind. After about 4 miles of paddling we stopped at a private beach for lunch. The company provided a vegetarian lunch with veggies sandwiches, fruit and chocolate! We spent some time getting to known one another and talking about the area. After lunch we got back in the empty water (!) and continued to paddle toward Lime Kiln. We saw many other whale watchers on the point waiting for the whales. After a couple more miles we headed back. It was a really easy paddle back as the wind did most of the work for us. Even though we did not get to kayak with the orcas I was very happy with the tour and our guide. I had a great time. I met some very interesting people and any time spent paddling is worth it. I would definetly book with them again. On a better salmon year!

Close to 6 pm I met Dylan and the kids back in Friday Harbor. We headed back to camp and made dinner. We spent the evening around our campfire making smores.

Day Seven (Friday):

We packed up camp in the morning and headed into Friday Harbor for breakfast and 'good' coffee from a local bakery. We headed to Lime Kiln State Park. {Opportunity number six to see orcas.} I said we were not leaving this point until the whales came by! Well the weather started to change. It was super windy and very cold. We stood on the point for less than an hour with no sight of our whales. We walked back to the Lime Kiln visitor center where Addi was excited to finally hug an orca, a statue orca!

Lower left: Addi & Landon sitting next to a replica orca dorsal fin. 

In the early afternoon we caught the ferry back to Anacortes. {Opportunity number seven to see orcas.} From Anacortes we decided to knock out several hours back to Missoula by driving the scenic way through Leavenworth, Washington. It is a cute, cozy little Bavarian-themed town nestled among high, lush mountains.We lucked out and found a hotel room right in town. All the buildings are decorated with many bright flowers, German paintings on the outside of the buildings and artistically cut awnings and moldings. At night the buildings are illuminated with white Christmas lights. The shops close down pretty early, but there are still many people mingling around and sitting on outside patios drinking giant steins of beer.  I would love to visit again around Christmastime.

We ate dinner at the Munchen Haus, an outdoor Bavarian grill specializing in German sausages and beer! They have a mustard bar offering every flavor of mustard available and their sour kraut was delish! There was a live band playing and many kids and adults dancing. It was a lively, happy place. A great end to our vacation.

Day Eight (Saturday):

We continued on our way back to Missoula. We stopped in Wenatchee for lunch. We shared a yummy goat cheese pizza at McGlinn's Public House, it was so good. Our road trip ended back in Missoula later that evening and then we headed home the following morning. It was a long, exhausting drive. The kids traveled really well and they seemed to always be having a great time.

Even though the orcas were illusive, we had a wonderfully memorable time together. We really enjoyed the islands and I am looking forward to going back, sooner rather than later.