Dylan keeps looking at Landon and calling him a "real boy". Seeing him without the oxygen cannula has been a bit of an adjustment. He looks different, older somehow, like something is missing! Addison keeps saying "He looks so different". Even his doctor commented on how different he looks. Landon is definitely happier with that tube and face stickers gone. He no longer violently scratches at his cheeks trying to latch onto the tube and pull them free.

He is doing so well. At his weight check this week he weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. He gained a whole pound in two weeks. He is 11 weeks old (3 weeks adjusted age) and has been home for six weeks. He has smiled, a real baby smile, a few times and has started "belly time". His neck is getting much stronger and he rides in a car seat now. He wakes up every three hours to eat (almost on the dot) and sleeps well at night. He is awake for a couple long stretches during the day. We've started mamma and baby yoga and baby massage. He seems to enjoy both. He had his eye appointment last week and the minor retinopothy that was in his right eye cleared up. He will not see the eye doctor again until he is a year old. We saw a pediatric pulmonologist in Missoula on Thursday. We received a great report and got the okay to return all the oxygen supplies and the super annoying O2 monitor! His lungs sounded clear and even and there is no evidence of fluid or disease. His lung doctor said there is no reason for any scheduled follow-ups, unless of course something comes up in the future. He also said we can treat him like we would a term newborn. He said complete isolation this winter wasn't necessary and he said as long as groups of strangers aren't coughing on him and touching him, we can live life normally, taking the same precautions we would take if he was a term newborn. He has an ear exam next week and we hope to see the fluid gone from his left ear and we hope he is now hearing fully from both ears. The last of the "specialist" appointments hopefully! His pediatrician said that she doesn't need to see him again until his four month old well-baby check! Starting in November he will be receiving monthly RSV shots to help protect his lungs from RSV.

Addison is doing well. She really loves her little brother. She seems a little jealous at times and will act out and not listen to me. She tries to get away with things more and more as she knows my attention is on Landon! I think she is really bored. She was used to being challenged and stimulated at school. Being home all day with boring 'ol mom gets old. She is so bright and needs a lot of mental stimulation and exercise to wear herself out! I started working with her through Kindergarten work books that Papa sent her and we do crafts, bake and do projects, but she is at the age where she really needs and craves relationships with kids her age. We have been staying away from the germ invested places that she wants to go - crowed parks, indoor gyms, swimming pools and crowded stores. She really wants to start dance and it is so hard explaining to her that she has to wait a little longer. With flu and RSV season fastly approaching it is really important to keep contact with groups of disease infested children to a minimum!! We are sure to get her out on "special dates" on Dylan's days off. Either him or I will stay home with Landon and the other will take Addi out to run off some energy and do something special.

We were able to spend a little time with Dylan's parents on Thursday while we were in town for Landon's pulmonology appointment.
First time Grandpa Jeff held Landon. |
What a great update! I love the pic of Grandma and Landon at the end.