
Friday, September 2, 2011

Our Miracle Comes Home

On Tuesday, August 30th Landon and I started our two nights rooming in together in the hospital. He needed to prove he could nurse all of his feedings and gain weight and then he was able to come home. He ate and slept well. He gained weight both nights. It was a special time for Landon and I. We caught up on some snuggle time that I had been desperately craving. 

During these two days poor Landon was circumcised, had a three hour hearing test and had his eyes examined for retinopothy. It was rough. The eye exam was almost as traumatizing for me and Landon as the circumcision. 

He did not pass the first hearing screening in his left ear so they needed to complete a more extensive test. Three hours later they determined that he has some minor hearing loss in his left ear most likely caused by some residual fluid. He is able to hear the sound is just delayed likely due to fluid. The hope  is in time the fluid will absorb and he will should be able to hear perfectly in both ears. If it doesn't, tubes may need to be inserted into his ears to remove the fluid. He will have another hearing test the first part of October. 

His first eye exam showed some minor retinopathy, a common thing in preemie eyes. His second exam showed stage 1 retinopothy in his right eye. He has to have another horrible eye exam the first part of October. The nurse did warn me that I would not want to watch the eye exam. I thought how bad can it be, shinning a light into a eye. Boy was I shocked when the doctor used a mid-evil looking torture device to force open Landon's eye and hold the eyelids out of the way while he inserted another torture device into Landon's eye cavity, moving  the eye around in all directions all the while shinning a light into his eye. Poor baby. Poor mamma. That eye doctor about had a angry mother grizzly bear on his ass (pardon my language!).

While we were rooming in some very special people stopped by to see Landon.


On Thursday September 1st we brought our little miracle home. It was a truly blessed day! To say the least we all were VERY happy. Everything felt so right, so complete.

1 comment:

  1. Your description of the eye exam is right on! There was about a two month period where Jack had to have them weekly. I never watched... you are much braver than I! He never required laser surgery, but his ROP is significant. Anyway, I am so so so happy for you guys that Landon is HOME. ahhh.... enjoy!!!!!!
