After church we came home and I made steak and crab legs. It was so delicious. Addi had a grilled cheese sandwich and Cheetos, because crab legs are, "too pokey." We also had sparkling juice in "fancy" glasses. I think drinking juice out of the fancy glasses was Addi's favorite part of the whole night.
On Christmas Eve night Dylan and Addi were wrapping the present Addi picked out for me. I had to wait in the bedroom because apparently I am a "peaker"! Well, I overheard Dylan reminding Addi not to tell me what my gift was and to keep it a secret! Addi ran into the bedroom and whispered, "Mamma, you got a purple coat!" It was so adorable. I said, "Aww, really!" She said, "Yah, but it's a secret so don't tell daddy!" She said, "You have to wait until Christmas Steve is over though." All day she was saying, Christmas Steve (instead of Eve!)---adorable!
Santa and our wonderful family spoiled Addi! It was so wonderful watching her open her gifts. She spends so much time with each one and is so grateful and appreciative. She said, "Oh, thank you Santa!" She opened very carefully her gifts from Aunt Sara and Ellie. She would say, "Oh, that is so nice!" When she opened her gift from Great-Aunt Moni and Great-Uncle Mike, she got so excited when she saw the American Girl box. When Addi was a year old they gave her Bitty Baby and for her birthday and for Christmas they send her Bitty Baby accessories! She has come to recognize the box. She opened new Christmas jammies for Bitty and she held them up and said, "Bitty will just love it." She was thrilled with her dress up box full of Princess dresses. She changed about every 10 minutes all day Christmas! Papa gave her a climbing helmet! She said, "Oh, good. Now I won't bang my head on the tree when I climb it!"
We were sitting in our pajamas around noon on Christmas morning. We had had a wonderful morning watching Addi open her presents. After breakfast we looked at each other and said, "Now what!" We were missing our families, so we decided to drive home! We spent Christmas night with my dad and my granny. I made a ham dinner and apple pie! The next day we were hugging Spencer! After a year in Australia he is home! We spent some time with Dylan's mom and dad before driving back to Helena. We were able to see some of their pictures from Australia and New Zealand. WOW. What an amazing part of the world. We also were able to spend some time with my mom, Mark and the kids. Mom had real food on Christmas. The first time in months. She said she could actually taste it and it tasted good! We picked up Jessica and brought her home with us. Addi's school is closed this week and she saved us by coming over and watching Addi during the day this week.
We are headed back to Missoula New Year's weekend. Kendall and Josh are also going to be visiting from Alabama. It has been almost a year since we have seen them. We are going to celebrate Christmas with the Powell clan on New Year's Eve. It will be great having us all together again! I am looking forward to it!