Addison and I took a short road trip to Spokane to visit my wonderful friend, Jackie and her three amazing boys, Owen (4), Ethan (2 1/2), and Baby Liam (7 months). Scott was out of town so it was a mommy and kid weekend. We had a blast. Addison LOVES "her boys" as she calls them! They play so well together. We were able to go the Jump and Bounce and they bounced some of their energy away! That Sunday was Father's Day so we went to Michael's and bought crafts for the kids to make for their daddy's! It was a little stressful with 6 little, excited hands, a bunch of paint, glue and stickers! But their Daddy's loved what they made!
I am going to be honest, some people's kids drive me crazy! But Jackie's boys are so pleasant, polite and genuinely kind. They are a joy to be around. It is so amazing watching Jackie with her kids. The patience that women has! She is an inspiration. She is a wonderful mother and her beautiful boys reflect how amazing she and Scott are! Three wild and crazy boys under 5 in one house could be complete chaos, but Jackie's chaos is good chaos and it is fun to watch! I am so thankful for my dear friend Jackie and her amazing boys.
Addi still asks to go to "Essin and Owen's House!"

You forgot to mention how beautiful (I mean Handsome) they are too!!