Addison grows up a little more each day. Toddler-hood is a wonderful adventure and challenge at the same time! She has a major two year old attitude and tests her limits constantly. She talks on the phone to cousin Ellie and uses her shoulder to hold the phone so her hands are free to color! She is potty-trained! An amazing accomplishment! She wear panties all day long and goes to the bathroom a lot of times all by herself. She loves having tea parties and dressing up. When she has a princess dress on she has to have a "crown" also! Her babies are her favorite toys still. She is all girl. She does not like her hands to be dirty, she does not like bugs or spiders and she changes her clothes literally 7 times a day (she calls it "all-dressed"). That does not include changing her jammies 3 times before she goes to bed! I pointed out a spider on the ceiling and she got all nervous and wouldn't stop watching him crawl around, shrieking, "oh, no, spider." When Papa came home she said, "Papa, spider, get it!" Papa got him in a paper towel and put him outside! Each morning and after she brushes her teeth she puts on my lip stick and says, "See, I pretty." The other day she went to ballet class with Kaidyn. She got all dressed in her tu-tu and got new ballet slippers, but she did not want to participate with the girls., Maybe in a few months she will want to try again! She loves to sing and does so as well as I do! She signs the Happy Birthday song and Twinkle Twinkle little star!
She is loving living with Papa. Every morning she wakes up and the first thing is "Where, Papa go?" Almost every night she helps Papa reload bullets! She is good helper with whatever Papa is doing. She is like a little puppy following him everywhere! They share toast every morning and play video games together, have tea parties and picnics. Papa even babysits her dolls when Addi has to go to "work"!!!
The other morning she said, "Papa go work, Daddy go work." I said, "Yes." She said, "Why?" I said, "To get money." She said, "Oh." Then she got all serious and looked at me and said, "You work?" Hahaha!! I about died!

AWW!! Such a girl. That is too precious. She's so cute. =) You have an adorable little girl, Brandi.
Yay for being potty trained!
ReplyDeleteEven your wonderful blogs/stories of Addi don't do her justice! She is just too amazing for words!