
Friday, October 9, 2009


Addison has started describing things as "scary"!

These things are "scary" to Addison:

Public restrooms when the toilet flushes. It is "too loud", she says.

The trains near our house when they bang together. They are too loud also.

Halloween decorations she sees in stores!

Dark rooms. "Scary. Light.", she says.

Spiders that she sees crawling in the grass! We found a HUGE barn spider crawling in our grass. The spider was between her and I. She said, "Mommy. Scary." I mean this spider sent shills up my spine. It was scary, but beautiful. It had a neat red hint to it's body. I helped Addi walk around the spider then we watched him walk around for a long time!

Uncle Spencer. Her big uncles have always scared her. We think it is there height and big hair. We thought she was over it, but the other day we dropped some stuff off at the Powell's house and Uncle Spencer was in the basement. Daddy took her down to say hello and she started wailing, "No. Scary. Momma. No. Scary." Oh, poor Uncle Spencer!


  1. Oh, Addi... the wonderful heartbreak that you cause me...

  2. Hopefully this phase won't last long. She is too cute to be scared!
