
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Moments of Migration

Hundreds probably thousands. 
Like an active, disturbed bee hive the flock ignites into a dark cloud

The sounds of thousands of wings lifting to flight 
simultaneous and staggered
A heart and muscle powered engine is turned over, 
this machine is loud and powerful

Together we wonder which one initiated the change
From foraging comfortably
to changing positions in the field 
taking flight for a long journey

Where are they going Mama? 

   Why do they stop here Mama?

      How do they fly that far Mama?

         Mama aren’t they scared?

            Mama why are some darker than others ?

               MAMA where’s me fruit snacks?

Their questions are almost as many as the gander. 
and I have at least partial answers. 

They are following the sun to summer. They will make a nest and lay their eggs in the warm tundra. 
   They stop to rest and eat.   
      They follow paths left by the ones before them. 
      Inside them they know where to go and when to stop. 
          {Faith in their success guides them.}
         The benefits of completing their journey far out-way
         the unknowns, constant challenge and exhaustion 
         of getting there. 
            The younger geese are a little darker 
            than the adults. When they are all grown up 
            they will be a bright white. 
               You ate them all. (Some are easier than others!)

       [After every answer, he replies “what dat mean?']

With her baby goose cradled safely against her body she gazes, amazed
So young, but she understands the gift we were given to be witnessing anything in these numbers
In awe, she explains migration to her goose, but pleads with her not to ever, ever do it

In a steady hum of honking they are in constant contact
even little Buttercup gives a few muffled honks, different from her baby coos
You can’t deny that she instinctually feels the energy, a very different breed from those that surround her
Next year a full grown farm goose, will she be tempted to join up, wild and free

At times aren’t we all a little tempted to live wild and truly free.
To lift off and join the flock 
To see something new, do something scary and daring
To see our world from a different view, a fresh perspective

What will make her little metal pond and daily feeding routines enough?
The little ones that love her will make her backyard chaos home. 
She’ll be invited on bike rides, evening walks and front porch camping trips. 
She’ll be hand-fed, squeezed and kissed. 
remaining grounded, secure 
And we will hope she will choose to remain apart of our little featherless flock

As the sun sets on this moment
The massive, impressive flock ascends to the heavens
The white blanket on the field lifts
and it condenses into several black V clouds
On their way
A brief stop that we were lucky enough to be apart of

Will this year’s babies, those that haven’t yet been born
Make the same stop out our front door?
Will the bits of left over wheat in this field sustain them as it did their parents

She will dance under their wings and 
colors marking days end will rest on mountain tops
Our shadows will be the only mark we leave

In this moment my heart was at rest knowing for now,
they are not tempted to fly from their nest to find adventures all their own.
For now. 

These moments of migration were shared with our Jaci and that made it even more special. 

Several massive flocks landed and flew away again. Over a weeks time I can't fathom the amount of Snow Geese and Tundra Swans we saw, just outside our door. 

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