Landon - our lil' man. It started out as a nickname. Now 'little man' describes him. Landon is so tiny. The past month or more I don't think he has grown at all. I'm not worried, yet! Landon turned 10 months old on May 15th, 7 1/2 months adjusted. Dylan mentioned bringing him into his clinic to weigh him, just to see if he has gained any weight. He still comfortably fits into size 6 month clothes, a few 3 months shirts and *gasp* size 2 diapers. I tried finding him sandals for the summer and I can't find any that are small enough. He is miniature! Whenever someone asks how old he is I answer and watch for their priceless expression. He is a eater so I know that isn't the problem. He eats three real meals a day plus snacks and he nurses well at least three times a day. He isn't loosing weight, he just isn't growing. With Addi, I was rotating her dresser drawers with bigger clothes every two weeks. It is just different with Landon! Maybe it is a boy thing. Addi would grow every few weeks so she could get a whole new wardrobe!
Dylan and I were talking about Landon's size, not realizing that Addi was listening. Addi said, "Dad it's ok that Landon is still small. Mom doesn't want him to grow up anyway!" Gotta love her!
Not a fan of his first spaghetti! |
He looks chubby here, but it is deceiving. He had a couple hard weeks where he hardly pooped! |
: Landon hasn't changed much in other areas this past month either. He hasn't yet crawled. He still maneuvers himself on his belly and he will pull himself onto his hands and knees, but no forward progress! He is working hard to pull himself to standing, usually on me when I am sitting near him. Just last night he went from laying on his belly to sitting. He did it one time and then he wouldn't do it again! At times he will get frustrated as his lack of mobility. He is ready to go, run and follow Addi but his body isn't quite there yet. Usually he is very content sitting on the floor surrounded by his toys. He will sit and play for a long time.
:He will growl like a growley bear, says 'aaahhhh' after taking a drink (I have been trying to get him to do that after nursing, to no avail!), and he says 'mmmm' when he is hungry. He has started screaming and screeching while playing! He hasn't said or mimicked any 'real' words or sounds yet. I am hoping Mama isn't far off! I drill him everyday! I am sure he will say Addison first!
: He finds his fishey mobile, piggie bank and teddy bear when asked where they are and he will look at the wolf picture and elk antlers when you ask him where they are.
: He loves the dogs and will purposely hand them food!
: He loves, loves, loves his piggie bank! He says hello to him every morning and goodnight before bed! He starts screeching and kicking and that means he wants to be taken over to his dresser to say hi to his piggie!
: He will give big open mouth kisses when I ask him for a kiss!
: He still doesn't giggle. He will only do it for a few seconds when I tickle his rib cage.
: I think he has put all his energy this past month into growing teeth. He now has four. He got his top two in the same week.
: Landon was a rock star on his first big road trip to Aunt Sara's house. He did so well! Fifteen hours is a lot for anyone and he barely made a sound the whole way.
: He loves looking at himself in the mirror! He smiles at himself and then gets all bashful at himself!
: He still is the sweetest boy in the world! He is very calm and very, very easy to please!