My sweet Landon. How I love to write about you and all your wonderfulness. Every time you do something, anything new ... I just stop, take it all in and say
Our Handsome Man. 7 1/2 Months |
The past two months have been incredible. He has grown and grown up a lot. On April 15th our little man will be 9 months old!
I remember, like it was yesterday when Addison was 9 months. It was one of my most favorite stages of her first year. I remember vividly sitting with Addison in the park in Salt Lake City. She was in her pink Keen shoes and a paisley blue summer dress. We were sitting under a tree watching the other big kids play. I was eating an apple. I handed Addi my apple -- or she asked me for it, as she often did with food -- and she finished it. Taking bites off the core. For the first time. I remember teaching her she could not eat the core. This moment it etched in my brain. Forever. A perfect summer moment with my baby girl. She barely had hair. She had a few teeth. She was signing several words, not yet talking much. She wasn't yet crawling. One of the last moments she sat still and let me do the talking! She still thought her mom was pretty cool and really smart!
I wonder what moments I will remember as vividly with Landon.
{Month 7}
: Landon's personality is really started to develop. He is a sweet, funny little boy. He is careful and cautious and intently watches everything that is going on around him. He seems to really study things. Details on shirts, bumps on toys, pieces of fur on stuffed animals.
: He takes in EVERYTHING Addi is doing, usually he is watching with a smile on his face. He lights up when she talks to him and dives towards her. He loves when she holds him, rocks him, and sings him "lullal-byes". Its amazing for their mother to watch them bond and be so in love with each other.
: He has started to think the dogs are the greatest things ever. He gets the biggest smile on his face whenever they walk by. He loves when they stop to pay him attention and seems to like slimy kisses.
: He has started to act bashful. He will bury his face into our shoulders when someone else says hello to him. He definetly prefers being held by Daddy or I, especially if he doesn't recognize the person holding him.
: He knows when you leave a room and smiles when you come back.
: He flaps his arms when excited or when Addison is playing with him.
: He is 'talking' more and more. He makes the m, n, d and o sounds. And will talk back and forth with us.
: He sleeps great and is ready for the day at about 6:30 am. He takes several short naps through out the day with at least one longer nap.
: His hair is really starting to grow thicker!
: He started scooching backwards on his belly. He gets himself up on his hands and knees. He will rock a few times and go back onto his belly.
Loves his Elmo |
Loves his dangling toys. |
Addi pretending to have a sleep over in Landon's crib. |
Too Cute! |
Love to play! |
Bath time! |
Baby Blue Eyes |
Silly in Mamma's hat. |
Nite-Nite Eyelashes |
Out to lunch with my favorites. |
Hanging in Daddy's chair watching Mamma pack! |
: He had a little cold this month and it really upset his breathing. He wasn't sleep well. He was really raspy and congested. We put him on a breathing medication for about 3 days to help open everything up and help him breath easier. It helped a lot. He of course made a game out of his treatments! This little man takes everything like it is no big deal! Hard to break these spirits! Within a few days he was all better.
Smiling through the steam! |
{Month 8}
: Landon loves to eat! To say the least! He is nursing less and less and prefers to sit in his chair and eat food! He says, 'mmm mmm mmmm' when he is hungry! It is really adorable! He kicks his feet and flaps his arms in the excitement of me making his food! If you are sitting with him at the table or if he is in his chair he expects to eat! He tries most things we are eating. He loves his little puffs and yogurt bites. He tries to feed himself and has successfully picked up a puff and has gotten it into his mouth. We started cheering and he seemed a little proud! He uses a sippy cup and likes to take drinks from a real cup.
: Landon really enjoys playing with his toys now. He is sitting really well now and will sit and play for quite a while. He still loves to lay under his floor mat and grab at his hanging toys. We retired the bouncing chair. He doesn't LOVE Blue the Bouncy horse like Addi did, but will stand and play for short periods of time. He loves to read. He stops at each page to grab it and taste it!
: He is still getting himself onto his hands and knees, but hasn't moved forward! Hard to get all those parts to work together!
: He has officially rolled from his back to his belly. For months he would get rolled as far over as possible without actually rolling! Now he rolls both ways easily!
: He still isn't much of a gigglier. He will giggle a tiny bit when tickled. Other that than he hasn't giggled those big 'ol baby belly laughs. I think it is for two reasons: 1. We are not as funny as a family as we think we are! and 2. He is still a little skeptical of this world! He loves to smile. I still can't figure out how he gets his mouth open so wide without splitting his cheeks!
: We are trying to learn clapping and high fives.
: I continue to sign to him. He hasn't shown that he is understanding the signs.
: We can ask him, "Where is Kya/Mason?" And he looks down to the floor. He gets "Where is Mamma/Daddy/Addi?" less often!
: When you say "nite nite" to him at the edge of his crib he leans way forward, sort of dive bombing himself to bed and whimpers. He loves going to bed!
: At the end of March he was one ounce away from a whopping 14 pounds (13 lbs. 15 oz.). He is still pretty small. We get confused looks when you tell someone he is 8 months old!
: For about 3 days this month he had a fever ranging from 100-102 degrees. Daddy ruled out an ear infection. Along with the fever he had a diaper rash (very rare for Landon), runny nose and he was extra sleepy. Addi would have these symptoms for a few days then get a tooth! As of today Landon is still tooth-less! Mommy is glad! I am not ready to say good-bye to his beautiful tooth-less grin. Plus the thought of how much he will eat once he gets teeth is scary!!!
First carousel ride. (On the bench with Mamma) |
Looking for Grizzly Bears. |
Scooching backwards! |
Say cheese! |
Good morning cuddles. (Daddy is less impressed with the flash at 7 am!) |
Up on his knees! |
Rockin' with big sis. |
First wagon ride! |
Just being cute! |
First time swinging at the park! |
On April 12th Landon goes for a preemie evaluation. The Community Medical Centers offers a free evaluation for all premature babies. I am not sure what to expect, but Landon will be meeting one or several developmental professional who will evaluate his growth and mental development. I don't believe in comparing siblings and other children, they each grow at their own pace. However, based on the 'average growth charts' he is more like a typical 6 month old, than he is an 8 month old. This is normal for premature babies. They tend to develop on their adjusted age (they age they would have been if not born prematurely). I am curious to see how the professionals think he is doing and to learn if he should be receiving any sort of therapy.