
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Addison Lately in Words

Addi said, "Hey Dad gimme some of that green stuff outta your wallet." Dylan said, "What are you talking about?" "Your cash Dad, can I have it!??"

The other night Addi mentioned how beautiful the moon looked. I started explaining to her that people called astronauts have actually gone to the moon and looked back at Earth. After a thorough age appropriate explanation about space shuttles, the moon, space exploration and astronauts walking on the  moon Addi shook her head and said, "Hey little lady I really have no idea what you are talking about."

We were in the car and the radio had a reminder for daylight savings was on. It said, "Remember Saturday night, before you go to bed to set your clocks back." Addi said, "Set your clocks back before you go to bed? That doesn't make any sense!"

We were watching a TV and a store much like Macy's was on and it was decorated for Christmas. Addi asked me, "What is that place?" I said, "It is a store like Macy's." With great certainty she asked, "Oh, is that where Santa gets all the presents for the kids?"

"Mom, remember when you got the baby in the shower" She was remembering when I found out I was pregnant with Landon. I had a little inkling, but tried to not get to excited to really think I was pregnant already. We had only been "trying" for what felt like a few days. I peed on the stick and placed in on the windowsill and got into the shower. I just happened to glance at it a few minutes later, fully expecting it to say 'not pregnant' but it said, 'pregnant'. I started screaming, literally, so loudly. Addi was terrified and Dylan busted in fully prepared to protect me from whatever was attacking me. I don't think Addi will ever forget that and neither will I!

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