
Friday, August 20, 2010


Our beloved leopard gecko, Amazon, has died. She developed some sort of eye disease which caused her eyes to scab over. Being unable to see she was not able to hunt the worms she eats. For about 3 months I force-fed her a lizard vitamin fruit mixture but without meat she lost weight fast. She died when we were on our trip to CO and UT.

I told Addison, "Honey, I have to talk to you about something, your lizard died." She said, "Oh, why." I said, "Remember how she was sick and wouldn't eat, well she died." She wrinkled up her nose into her sad face and said, "Ohhh." And ticked her little tongue they way she does when she is sad or excited...Then she was over it!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry B. I know how it affects you when any earth creature dies.
